Larry Cotlar is not good....


Well-Known Member
I tried to be nice and stay away from the name calling in the thread title, but it's amazing that guy has a job. The show today started off with a discussion of the Alabama-Auburn finish and within 2 minutes, he was making an analogy to some Drake/Bradley basketball game he did a few years back. Really!? Drake?! I mean, I know you're Drake's play-by-play guy, but good Lord!

Then he segued into talking Missouri Tigers football and I thought he was going to get into fisticuffs with Garman when Garman had the "audacity" to tell Larry that even if OSU lost to MSU and Missouri beat Auburn that Missouri wasn't going to go the the NC game. He started ranting and raving that there's no way Missouri could be left out, that it was a mathematical improbability.

Larry, a word of advice. No one listening to your show (I know, I know....there's not many) gives a rat's behind about Drake basketball or Missouri Tiger football. And no one in the country in their right mind would vote a one loss Missouri team ahead of a one loss Alabama team if Missouri happened to beat Auburn and OSU lost to MSU. Not in this lifetime.
I haven't listened to Larry in a long time. Doesn't sound like I should start anytime soon. I think the KXNO morning show would be okay, but during my drive in, they only seem to give away donuts and talk about non-sports related topics until I park.
After this weekend, any sports fan in the world could do that job. So much to talk about,yet these guys find a way to screw it up.

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