Kurt Alexander Going to Drake

And Basabe isnt a pg. However i believe that Marble played point guard this year for his hs so he could be a possibility.

I wasn't saying he would be our pg, but I know he's a strong possibility from what I've read on here. I read somewhere that Marble played nearly all positions, so I don't know if he'd really qualify as a big ten point guard. Then again, I'm not sure there are any capable big ten point guards still available.
I wasn't saying he would be our pg, but I know he's a strong possibility from what I've read on here. I read somewhere that Marble played nearly all positions, so I don't know if he'd really qualify as a big ten point guard. Then again, I'm not sure there are any capable big ten point guards still available.
Okay I understand you now, Basabe would be a great addition and I think Marble could develop into a BT PG, we have to remember in a running up tempo offense the PG needs to be able to score. Assuming there are no more BT calibur PGs out there i wouldnt mind having Marble as the PG.
I once watched Jess Settles play point guard in HS. Just because the most talented player on the court is playing point doesn't make it a good idea.
I once watched Jess Settles play point guard in HS. Just because the most talented player on the court is playing point doesn't make it a good idea.
It's a good idea if he is the best option they have next fall and cant land a juco PG. At least he as experience playing the position. And to prove your statement wrong Evan Turner was the best OSU player last year and he played some PG. Lebron is the best on his team and occasionally plays PG.
It's a good idea if he is the best option they have next fall and cant land a juco PG. At least he as experience playing the position. And to prove your statement wrong Evan Turner was the best OSU player last year and he played some PG. Lebron is the best on his team and occasionally plays PG.
If Settles or Roy Jr were anywhere near the talent level of Turner and Lebron, I would have no problem with them dribbling all day long.
Once Jess picked up his dribble he was toast. I never did understand his H.S. coaches logic in having a 6"8 guy try to feed the ball in to a couple of 6"0 guys under the basket. mabey that's why the team couldn't win a class 1-A championship with 3 D-1 players on the team.
I believe Jess was 6'8" and was passing to a 6'7" guy in the post (Klay Edwards). They were also beaten by a really good team (Hudson) who had 2 Div 1 BB players and a Div 1 FB player. I believe Winfield Mt Union on only had 2 - Div 1 BB players.

Back on track, I don't believe Marble Jr will be playing pg in Frans system.
Drake has put together a really good recruiting class. I would have loved for Iowa to sign Alexander. Who knows, maybe Drake will be good enough to hold me over when I get the Basketball Jones again next season, if the Hawks are still struggling.
Jess went to Iowa . IA.ST and Uni. got the other two. Clay sombody and I can't remember the other one's name. The reason they lost was because they always had their shortest players in the lane instead of their big men.
Drake has put together a really good recruiting class. I would have loved for Iowa to sign Alexander. Who knows, maybe Drake will be good enough to hold me over when I get the Basketball Jones again next season, if the Hawks are still struggling.

You have a typo in there with "if." Pretty sure you meant "when." Next year will not be a good season for the W's. Everyone keeps saying we have hit rock bottom. Rock bottom might come next year with an 8 win season!
You have a typo in there with "if." Pretty sure you meant "when." Next year will not be a good season for the W's. Everyone keeps saying we have hit rock bottom. Rock bottom might come next year with an 8 win season!

Why stop at 8? Why not predict the end of the world?

Or you could inject a little hope into your world view and enjoy the offseason a little more. :)