Kudos to the fans today


Well-Known Member
For sticking in there ... I will admit I was ready to head for the exit after Pitt kicked its last field goal ... But then decided to stick it out to see if we could muster something positive to take away from today ... Wow ... I went from being so mad to almost having tears in my eyes at the end of the game ... Definitely a roller coaster ride ... between the ISU game and this game my blood pressure had to be going through the roof ... Just amazing ...
Been to a lot of games in Kinnick dating back to the mid-1970's, and I've never seen such contrast in the crowd intensity from one part of a game to the next. Podolak commented on this on Sound Off, too. Kinnick was about as dead as it can get for 3 quarters and about as loud as it can get for the 4th. An amazing awakening of the Hawkeye faithful.
I cannot blame them for booing, there were some aweful calls made. One that sticks out is the obvious holding call the officials missed when Pitt was about to score.
I also want to commend the fans. They hung tough,and did not really boo the players or coaching staff as much as I thought,and then when the Hawks needed them..they came thru...well done Hawkeyes!
It was refreshing today,,, even during the many struggles the majority of fans stayed and although very quiet at times did not boo the players/coaches. I've grown tired of past seasons where our fans boo our players and call for the back-up QB after every missed pass. None of that today. Kudos to the fans and maybe the god's of football finally rewarded us!

The only booing I heard was for the ****-poor officiating crew that the Big East brought to Kinnick.

Yes the same crew that among other awfuls calls managed award Pitt 4 positive yards at the end of a punt return even though they dropped a flag on them for holding during the return. Lucky KF challenged that and instant replay over-turned the spot.

I expect officials to miss calls but these guys were shockingly bad or biased.
I never assumed that the fans were booing at Iowa, but rather the blown calls by the officials. The boo's always seemed to correspond with something that probably should have been called or bad calls, not bad play calls or overthrown passes or whatever. Beth, doing the broadcast, seemed to think they were booing the team (lolnooo beth!). I envy those who went to the game and stayed and got to see Iowa turn it on at the end of the game. Games like that are a lot better in person (preaching to the choir I know).

On a punt she said "And Auburn will take over from the (insert number) yardline", I wasn't aware we had changed from Iowa to Auburn. I graduate and move away and they change the whole school on me in the span of a summer.
I can proudly say my wife and I stayed the entire time! I went from "this sucks" to "this is amazing" in 16 min! unreal.
I didn't hear anyone boo the team or the players. The only boos I heard were for the refs which really were **** poor. They didn't show it on tv very much, but that was the most animated I've seen Kirk on the sideline in 3-4 years, so you knew the calls were bad and he was getting frustrated too.

But when the 4th quarter hit, wow. We got as loud as we did for Wisconsin last year. What a game
I gotta admit I took my 4 year old to his first game and we left after they went up 24-3. We hoped on the train at the beginning of the fourth and listened to it on the way home. That's the last damn time I leave early. Unreal.
I sat at our gamewatch ******** most of the game. I commented that our best plays of the first half were the quick-kick/pooch punts going into the end zone and not giving up any punt or kickoff return TDs.

Mid 3rd quarter, I said--JOKINGLY--"This isn't over by a long shot. Pitt isn't good, we just haven't shown up yet". I admit to saying fervent prayers in hopes of not having to acknowledge Kaldenberg's "call" for a Pitt win and having to go into the "HOW BAD WILL THE MELTDOWN BE IF WE LOSE?" thread.

Who'd a thought replay would save a drive and officials would actually call a PI (it was almost TOO obvious for them)?
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I saw some Pitt fans leaving after the 3rd quarter. Pretty sure they thought it was time to celebrate. There were some Iowa fans that left as well.
I don't think the fans were booing the players more of the refs ans the coaching staff.

The fans were NOT booing the players or team at any point Sat. They booed the refs loudly on several occasions and loudest when Pitt was on approx 5 yd line and ran an end around and the Iowa player (Bernstein IIRC) was held where it looked like he would have tackled the runner for 5 yrd loss. Instead the runner advanced to the 2-3 yd line.

A friend said the ESPN announcer said the fans were booing the players, not true.
I didn't hear anyone boo the team or the players. The only boos I heard were for the refs which really were **** poor. They didn't show it on tv very much, but that was the most animated I've seen Kirk on the sideline in 3-4 years, so you knew the calls were bad and he was getting frustrated too.

But when the 4th quarter hit, wow. We got as loud as we did for Wisconsin last year. What a game

Frankly seeing Kirk get fired up got me fired up. They showed him up on the big screen and I tell you, I haven't seen that guy be that ****** off in a while. I'm sure the team does but not us fans. His whole body was into that one. From there I felt the atmosphere really change. Probably got the team amped up too.
Does anyone know if the BB recruits stayed to the end? It would have been a shame if they ducked out before the comeback.

I saw a couple (4) football recruits in the south-east corner of the field before the game (no they weren't on mopeds and i'm not saying they will be starting next year). i hope they made them stay until the end....
on second thought, wouldn't it have been cool if they WERE on mopeds. that could give us an upper-hand in recruiting. "Yeah, when you visit Iowa you get to ride around on mopeds..."
Rarely ever do I boo. I did yesterday, but not at players. I booed at the holding no call right before Pitts last td. I had had enough.
Frankly seeing Kirk get fired up got me fired up. They showed him up on the big screen and I tell you, I haven't seen that guy be that ****** off in a while. I'm sure the team does but not us fans. His whole body was into that one. From there I felt the atmosphere really change. Probably got the team amped up too.

That is just awesome to hear. Wish I could've been at the game, or at least watched the whole thing. Glad to hear he was Fired up.

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