Kirk's Replacement


Well-Known Member
Jon Deisel Miller predicts Kirk retires when Steven graduates. Who do you want to see replace Kirk?

Go :)

I suggest Paul Rhoades.
I hope that it's our future new defensive coordinator and that they're considering that is what's causing the delay.
How about Gene Chizik? Five years will be about the right time frame for the NCAA to finish its probe of Auburn. Plus, it would really **** off the clowns.
no way, I would pr" efer Criner.

Remember when he was hired and there were "ISU IS FINER WITH CRINER" banners at the pep rally?

And then he went to the podium and said something about looking on a map and noticing that Iowa City was also in the state? I bet he learned the route well on those quiet bus rides home after getting shellacked by 60 points.

Of course, in the years the game was played in Ames the ride home wasn't quite as long, though the result of the game was the same.

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