
Well-Known Member
And for once admit HE was out coached and HE was responsible for this loss. It was HE that didn't have his guys both mentally and physically prepared to play football. And it is HE that makes all that money and it was HE that didn't earn it this year. I'm tired of hearing Rick Stanzi after ever loss this year take all the blame! Where the hell has KIRK been to step up take responsibility and protect his player from that scrutiny. Do the right thing Kirk, MAN UP and admit YOU did not coach very well this year and YOU WILL sit down and reevaluate at the end of this year! The game, the styles, the schemes are starting to pass you bye! Wake up before it's too late!!!!
Wow, I haven't seen that many caps since I read a story about Bartholomew Cubbins! Way to emphasize your points!
Highly doubt we will hear Kirk say he was out-coached. Sorry, but some of this is on the players as well. The coaches can only do so much. Yes, we definitely have some bugs on the coaching front but the players need to be held accountable as well.
Tell me a time where Kirk has actually taken the blame, taken responsibility for how our team has looked? Answer, Never! Always says WE! Last I checked, no one else on the staff gets the dough that he does!!
These kids went into the season with NC hopes, but the coaching staff treated DJK poorly, they never did anything to show they had the players backs on chop blocks, no holding calls or dirty hits to the head, and they did no game planning. KF is the Fat Cat. I don't agree with it, but I can completely understand why the players quit on him and started looking out for themselves as individuals.

Maybe if KF showed some passion and concern for the players as individuals and the sacrifices they have made the season could have turned out differently.
All of you I agree with! But HELL has frozen over this year, and Kirk needs to take responsibility for that! He would garner a lot more respect that what he gets already! The "coach speak" gets old. Time to call a spade a spade here and be real with the fans that have provided a rather comfortable living for him. Just be real, that's all were asking!
Part of me wonders if KF is too lazy to properly game plan. People sometimes mention how he comes from the Bilichick tree, but he is so unlike Bilichick. Bilichick has a different game plan for every opponent. I know it has to be more work for the coaches, but the players deserve more than the effort and level of concern they are getting from this coaching staff.
I agree that Iowa has about the most complacent coaching staff in the conference. We hear that in recruiting, we see that in game planning, and we definitely see it on the sidelines.

Fat Cats! I have been saying it for a few weeks now and I have seen nothing to change my mind.

Somebody needs to photoshop KOK's and KF's head onto that orange tabby.
I've seen this same thing happen with the Vikings over the past 5 weeks or so. Coach Childress lost the players a few weeks ago and they started looking out for themselves instead of playing hard. With Childress it was his over meddling in the offense and trying to control Favre instead of letting him just play. With Childress it was the open and public criticism of the players and painting them into corners. With Ferentz, I think you guys are right, it is more his unconcern for the players (holding, chop blocks, helmet to helmet hits, etc.) that has lost them - not to mention the same kind of shackling on offense (and apparently on offense - as some are talking about the bull-rushing only in order to stay in certain lanes). Anyway, I see so many similarities between the hawks and vikes right now.

I think the vikes are going to turn it around because they took out the butthead that was the head coach, and now the offensive coordinator can actually do his job and Favre can run plays they've actually practiced before. Something has to change with the coaching staff, or this same level of apathy will continue into next year.

A few years ago, Ferentz was able to fire up the players by poking fun at them and calling them "fat cats." I think if he does that now it might just backfire on him. I think its time for him to make some changes in his own approach or in his coaching staff.

You look at a guy like Adrian Peterson - all the talent in the world, and his coach can't give him an open running lane or get him to the outside. When Adrian was running into a wall of defenders every play, he's going to stop trying as hard. And AP is more stand up than the rest - I don't know how much he's given up. But you can see it at nearly every other position- particularly the offensive and defensive lines. I think the same thing has happened with the Hawks. The O is banging their heads against a brick wall nearly every play...its not working...they're going to stop trying so hard. Its human nature.

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