Kirk in the media...


Well-Known Member
First and foremost, I am a full backer of Kirk and always have been. But my question is, at what point do you start to believe in your own team when the national spotlight is focused on you. By now everyone has seen his "not the prettiest car on the lot," but this is the one that gets me: "Realistically, I still have a hard time picturing us in the top 10." Could you ever picture Pete, Tressel, or Stoops ever saying that? Again, not trying to bag on Kirk but with so many people hating on us, shouldnt our coach be going to bat for his team?? I get that he doesnt care what people think, but at a minimum, I dont see any need to add fuel to the fire...besides, I think every team in the top 10 is beatable this year!
I think it helps play into the "underdog" role, which he's admitted is a place that he likes to be in. If they run the table, I think we'll see a different approach if it needs to be taken to get them into the BCS Champ game.
When it's time, Kirk will go to the wall. But Iowa has four more games left. No way is it time. When will it be time? If Iowa gets to 11-0. before that, no.
Some coaches think it's about themselves, coaches like KF know it's about the kids and the game of football.
When it's time, Kirk will go to the wall. But Iowa has four more games left. No way is it time. When will it be time? If Iowa gets to 11-0. before that, no.

Actually I'd have to say 12-0 would be time, since we'll be done playing and the others won't. Kirk will have time to be all over the media to fill that void.
Actually I'd have to say 12-0 would be time, since we'll be done playing and the others won't. Kirk will have time to be all over the media to fill that void.

You are probably right. he won't do it before then. I just think he respects the game too much. He is old school.
I think he'll play the underdog role the rest of the season. Even if they go 12-0 I don't see him saying too much until after a bowl game. He may loosen up a little and something like "I guess we are better than some", but he will still say they need to get better if they expect to win a bowl game.
He knows how to get the most out of his teams. I think if the team hears him talking about them being in the BCS championship game with 4 games left, they are due for a let down. Tell everyone with some hard work they could get there keeps the kids level headed and motivates them to work that much harder. If we go 12-0, I see KF going to the mat for this team. I think that will be the only time we will see it happen.
I think after our last game, if Iowa makes it to 12-0, you will hear KF come out and say we deserve the shot, talk about the toughness of the conference, misconceptions of weakness and even talk about the B10 and Iowa's record vs the SEC. Until then there is no point. The B10 championship and Rose Bowl all have black and white guidelines and only wins will take care of that.

The polls will also change from now to then and Ferentz understands that.
If we were 12-0 and a one loss USC team was ahead of us in the polls, I am sure Delany would start talking action. I just can't imagine the s*** storm that would occur if a one loss team could leap another BCS conference team (I would say that same if Cincy were undefeated and not the Hawks).
Let me piggy back on my original post. The last 4 days I have seen more media exposure for ISU than I have seen in years (post Rhodes you tube clip). The DSM Reg had the whole front page dedicated the Clowns and the hawks went 8-0 for the first time ever. Winning in Lincoln was huge, but I sincerely believe that video widened the coverage.

How do you measure Kirk's "steady Eddy," underdog approach to Paul Rhodes blowing up with pride in the locker room? I know this comparison is one extreme to the other, but because of this fire and pride, people are starting to believe in the Clones - Isu remains an underdog, but yet a team that believe in themselves and isn’t afraid to express it. Not trying to stir the pot, just asking the question. Actual coaching, Kirk takes my vote over anyone! But would it hurt to get a little fired up every now and then - 8-0 for the first time in program history and not a top 10 team in Kirk’s opinion? Doesn’t that just help Big Ten non believers if a non top 10 Iowa can be a conference leader?
Let me piggy back on my original post. The last 4 days I have seen more media exposure for ISU than I have seen in years (post Rhodes you tube clip). The DSM Reg had the whole front page dedicated the Clowns and the hawks went 8-0 for the first time ever. Winning in Lincoln was huge, but I sincerely believe that video widened the coverage.

How do you measure Kirk's "steady Eddy," underdog approach to Paul Rhodes blowing up with pride in the locker room? I know this comparison is one extreme to the other, but because of this fire and pride, people are starting to believe in the Clones - Isu remains an underdog, but yet a team that believe in themselves and isn’t afraid to express it. Not trying to stir the pot, just asking the question. Actual coaching, Kirk takes my vote over anyone! But would it hurt to get a little fired up every now and then - 8-0 for the first time in program history and not a top 10 team in Kirk’s opinion? Doesn’t that just help Big Ten non believers if a non top 10 Iowa can be a conference leader?

You can't compare lobbying for a spot in the NC game to an emotional reaction to winning a game. Rhodes reaction to that win to me is no better or worse than the way Kirk choked up after defeating PSU 6-4 after the death of his father. Asking Kirk to do what Rhodes did would seem contrived, you are asking one personality to act like another and that rarely works. Quit frankly it would disturb me greatly if Kirk Ferentz started acting like anyone other than Kirk Ferentz
You can't compare lobbying for a spot in the NC game to an emotional reaction to winning a game. Rhodes reaction to that win to me is no better or worse than the way Kirk choked up after defeating PSU 6-4 after the death of his father. Asking Kirk to do what Rhodes did would seem contrived, you are asking one personality to act like another and that rarely works. Quit frankly it would disturb me greatly if Kirk Ferentz started acting like anyone other than Kirk Ferentz

You misunderstood my post...I'm not requesting Kirk to put on an act. I'm just saying that seeing a little emotion (ref to your PSU game is spot on) would be nice and perhaps sway the media a little. I get that KF just wants to focus winning games and letting the rest play out, but I feel like he is doing the opposite by saying we arent a top 10 team, or we arent USC, or we arent pretty...Fine be monotone, KF - I will take that. But dang, what do we have to gain by agreeing with the bashing media?
I am a huge fan of virtually all of the comments KF makes to the media. There is no way any of his players could get the idea that he thinks we will win games by simply showing up. He has this team ready to go for every game... I like it. Agreed that if we make it to 12-0 he will do a little campaign work.
If we were 12-0 and a one loss USC team was ahead of us in the polls, I am sure Delany would start talking action. I just can't imagine the s*** storm that would occur if a one loss team could leap another BCS conference team (I would say that same if Cincy were undefeated and not the Hawks).

They both might get jumped so the then it would not only be the B10 but it would be Big Ten/Big East tag team vs. the BCS/USC hype machine...nice
Iowa is by no way in the clear just yet.

The Hawks need to put up some "style" points against Indiana and NW. Let the performance on the field do the talking for right now. Then, if the Hawks get by OSU unscathed, it will be time for Ferentz to start looking at the big picture and lobbying his case for the Hawks accordingly.
If we are 11-0 going into the Minny game and still sitting at 5 or 6 in the human polls, I would think he'd have to get out there and start pimping his team to have some sort of shot at the NC.

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