KF's little note card


Does anyone know what KF is writing on that piece of paper he whips out on the side lines?

Wish it was a list of people's *** to kick after the game for screwing up but I have my doubts.

What tired and worn out cliches hes going to say when asked a remotely hard question after the game. He probably wrote we still need to clean some things up for the 5th week in a row even though there is no more time to clean things up, the season is finished
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Does anyone know what KF is writing on that piece of paper he whips out on the side lines?

Wish it was a list of people's *** to kick after the game for screwing up but I have my doubts.

He is writing KOK is a good OC, KOK is a good OC, KOK is a good OC.
I wonder if he ever writes: I forgot to start my best player and all time leading receiver, I forgot that I get three timeouts in a half. I forgot what it was like to play with any sort of aggressiveness on offense or defense, I forgot all the other schemes you could use on offense or defense as well when things aren't going well, I forgot what it was like to coach with passion and enthusiasm, I forgot I was coaching 18-22 year old kids and that is what the thrive on during game-time, I forgot how to coach special teams or how to guard against the fake punt or onsides kick, I forgot to go over the two minute drill the last 11 years in practice, I forgot how to not let players quit on me, the team, the university and our fans, I forgot how important Iowa football is two thousands of fans, not only in the state of Iowa, but across the nation as well? Nah, I doubt he ever writes any of that useful stuff down!
Food order at Wangs House of Tang....
Chewing gum bulk order of 20,000 Pounds
Sticky note reminding him to have KOK rip out all plays not named Draw and Underneath.
Jake Christensen was good'
Jake Christensen was good
Jake Christensen was good, He still belives he was good.

this is one of his cards from earlier this year. it is a leprachaun he believes he saw in a tree while passing through Alabama on a recruiting visit
One thing I know its not is an O play chart that nearly every other head coach has in his hands.
Seems he writes down panalties and bad plays ect, but the disturbing part is most of us can remember the killer plays of a game with out writing them down. He's the head coach for g## sakes!

this is one of his cards from earlier this year. it is a leprachaun he believes he saw in a tree while passing through Alabama on a recruiting visit

That is perhaps the funniest thing ever!

Nice work and thanks for keeping us laughing.
In all seriousness, he only seems to write things down when something negative happens, so I'm sure it's something to bring up during team talks or film sessions.

Also, maybe it's his way of having a 'teaching moment' at a later time rather than blowing up on a player when he comes off the field like Pelini would do.