Keagan Johnson Decision Shows Where Iowa, Nebraska are as Programs

Is Iowa's program in a better place today than Nebraska's? Of course. But Johnson committing to Iowa isn't really any more of a statement about each program than if Fidone commits to NE.
Yes, good article, it covered a lot of the pints I thought about before reading the article.

For those living in wesetern Iowa, Nebraska, or with a big Husker hate I'm sure this is a really big deal.

To me, though, it's more about where the Iowa football program is and it's in a pretty good place. IMO, Iowa football is in the best shape it has ever been in. Ever since the new facilities opened up our talent level has been increasing incrementally year in and year out. As long as Captain Kirk stays at the helm there's no reason to think this will change.

I still can't believe Ohio St didn't recruit Luke Lachey.................
I enjoyed the article title's subtle dig at the comments by the former Neb AD when he fired Pelini.

In other words, Johnson had to evaluate where Nebraska's program was at in making his decision. Well played Mr. Brown. :)
Here's some of the fallout.......

What a loser. Grow up and get a life, Barry.




I just listened to Keagan's dad on 1620 AM ( Omaha station, the show is called Severe & Benning). It was about 25 minutes, great interview. This guy ^^ couldn't be more wrong about Clester Johnson. He is a class act who loves Nebraska but let his son make his own decision.

It came down to Iowa and Nebraska. He said Iowa never even mentioned Nebraska during their recruiting pitch and that he wouldn't have liked any staff that negative recruits. It came down to Copeland telling them straight up how it was and how it would be. They liked him a lot and that is what swung things in our favor.

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