K Ferentz Presser Transcript, Player Interviews

Man I know part of Kirk's MO is not to have players with "star" "me first" attitudes but he can be a real asshole sometimes with his side comments about players. Like the fans are clearly excited about a player and the media ask an excited question and Kirk is like "meh".
I didn't get that impression at all from that presser. He keeps himself and his players level headed. Nothing wrong with that.
I didn't either. He likes to tell how he has seen people progress. I think that probably does keep them level headed. " You were here, now you are here, over there is where you want or are trying to be". That's just keeping it real.
In the past I've thought, that's it for praise??? But really that also deflects a little bit of over reaction as well. If he came out and said so in so is the best I've ever seen to the public, can you imagine the pressure on that kid??
So I can see the good and the bad, so level headed middle of the road type stuff is ok.
I'm sure when the public is not around it sounds different.