Just gonna say it...


Well-Known Member
To say that it's not ok to talk negatively about players is ********. We all do it with our friends in private, and message boards are quite simply that. It's the ability to celebrate and vent about the team we all love. The whole twitter thing is way different than this. Attacking a kid directly, personally is ******* garbage and you're a ******* loser if you do it. That being said, this is 100% different than that. We all sought out a site where we could ultimately, anonymously talk about the hawks. My friends and I talk about great plays and great players and awful plays and struggling players alike. While we aren't all friends, we are all here for the same purpose. We all love the hawks. Just because you have a negative thing to say about a coach, or a player that wears the black and gold doesn't mean you're a negative person, or that you hate the hawks. It's being real.

It's well noted that I do not like Ferentz at all. I can't stand his arrogance in the way he coaches, or the fact that we as fans are the reason he has it. I've recently been critical about PARTS of Fran's decisions, but I love Fran. I think he's great for the program and I trust in him 100%. We are all entitled to our opinions and I just don't get the whole "you're a dick if you say something bad about a player" thing. It's between us unless they choose to come on a message board they know is full of anonymous posters who know much less than them. This is our release as fans. We should not be taken seriously by anyone who is serious.

McCabe should not be playing. He's lost all confidence and he's hurting the team. Woodbury is getting better, and I do believe will end up being a pretty good player, but should not have been playing as much as he was when he was hurting the team. Those are my opinions. I'd punch an illinois fan if they said the same thing because they're hawks, but it's my opinion damnit.

Now bash away. It's anonymous you know.

End of rant
To say that it's not ok to talk negatively about players is ********. We all do it with our friends in private, and message boards are quite simply that. It's the ability to celebrate and vent about the team we all love. The whole twitter thing is way different than this. Attacking a kid directly, personally is ******* garbage and you're a ******* loser if you do it. That being said, this is 100% different than that. We all sought out a site where we could ultimately, anonymously talk about the hawks. My friends and I talk about great plays and great players and awful plays and struggling players alike. While we aren't all friends, we are all here for the same purpose. We all love the hawks. Just because you have a negative thing to say about a coach, or a player that wears the black and gold doesn't mean you're a negative person, or that you hate the hawks. It's being real.

It's well noted that I do not like Ferentz at all. I can't stand his arrogance in the way he coaches, or the fact that we as fans are the reason he has it. I've recently been critical about PARTS of Fran's decisions, but I love Fran. I think he's great for the program and I trust in him 100%. We are all entitled to our opinions and I just don't get the whole "you're a dick if you say something bad about a player" thing. It's between us unless they choose to come on a message board they know is full of anonymous posters who know much less than them. This is our release as fans. We should not be taken seriously by anyone who is serious.

McCabe should not be playing. He's lost all confidence and he's hurting the team. andWoodbury is getting better, I do believe will end up being a pretty good player, but should not have been playing as much as he was when he was hurting the team. Those are my opinions. I'd punch an illinois fan if they said the same thing because they're hawks, but it's my opinion damnit.

Now bash away. It's anonymous you know.

End of rant

how could he possibly get better if he wasn't playing?
To say that it's not ok to talk negatively about players is ********. We all do it with our friends in private, and message boards are quite simply that. It's the ability to celebrate and vent about the team we all love. The whole twitter thing is way different than this. Attacking a kid directly, personally is ******* garbage and you're a ******* loser if you do it. That being said, this is 100% different than that. We all sought out a site where we could ultimately, anonymously talk about the hawks. My friends and I talk about great plays and great players and awful plays and struggling players alike. While we aren't all friends, we are all here for the same purpose. We all love the hawks. Just because you have a negative thing to say about a coach, or a player that wears the black and gold doesn't mean you're a negative person, or that you hate the hawks. It's being real.

It's well noted that I do not like Ferentz at all. I can't stand his arrogance in the way he coaches, or the fact that we as fans are the reason he has it. I've recently been critical about PARTS of Fran's decisions, but I love Fran. I think he's great for the program and I trust in him 100%. We are all entitled to our opinions and I just don't get the whole "you're a dick if you say something bad about a player" thing. It's between us unless they choose to come on a message board they know is full of anonymous posters who know much less than them. This is our release as fans. We should not be taken seriously by anyone who is serious.

McCabe should not be playing. He's lost all confidence and he's hurting the team. Woodbury is getting better, and I do believe will end up being a pretty good player, but should not have been playing as much as he was when he was hurting the team. Those are my opinions. I'd punch an illinois fan if they said the same thing because they're hawks, but it's my opinion damnit.

Now bash away. It's anonymous you know.

End of rant

I rarely agree with you, but in this instance I have to admit I understand what you're saying. I think it just depends on the context. Your comments about McCabe should absolutely be fair game. You're making an opinion based on his performance. That's what the boards are for... to talk about the Hawks. I think it comes down to how you decide to word it. The way you said it is fine in my opinion. Now, if you're posting things like "McCabe is garbage and he shouldn't ever be on the court". Well that's not necessary, and it's taking things a little too far. People can critique players without going out of their way to be jerks about it.

McCabe isn't playing well. He's committing stupid fouls. He's been pretty careless with the ball in recent games. He hasn't been hitting his shot for quite some time yet he continues to launch it. In short, he is hurting the team much more than he is helping it. Which means he should not be on the court when the team has other options. I think it's that simple.
To say that it's not ok to talk negatively about players is ********. We all do it with our friends in private, and message boards are quite simply that. It's the ability to celebrate and vent about the team we all love. The whole twitter thing is way different than this. Attacking a kid directly, personally is ******* garbage and you're a ******* loser if you do it. That being said, this is 100% different than that. We all sought out a site where we could ultimately, anonymously talk about the hawks. My friends and I talk about great plays and great players and awful plays and struggling players alike. While we aren't all friends, we are all here for the same purpose. We all love the hawks. Just because you have a negative thing to say about a coach, or a player that wears the black and gold doesn't mean you're a negative person, or that you hate the hawks. It's being real.

It's well noted that I do not like Ferentz at all. I can't stand his arrogance in the way he coaches, or the fact that we as fans are the reason he has it. I've recently been critical about PARTS of Fran's decisions, but I love Fran. I think he's great for the program and I trust in him 100%. We are all entitled to our opinions and I just don't get the whole "you're a dick if you say something bad about a player" thing. It's between us unless they choose to come on a message board they know is full of anonymous posters who know much less than them. This is our release as fans. We should not be taken seriously by anyone who is serious.

McCabe should not be playing. He's lost all confidence and he's hurting the team. Woodbury is getting better, and I do believe will end up being a pretty good player, but should not have been playing as much as he was when he was hurting the team. Those are my opinions. I'd punch an illinois fan if they said the same thing because they're hawks, but it's my opinion damnit.

Now bash away. It's anonymous you know.

End of rant

what you do in private with your friends is one thing. a message board is NOT private. anyone in the world can get on this site and read what you're saying.

and there's a difference between being critical, and completely bashing someone as DP stated
the reason some people get very upset with the negativity talk on these boards is because it always seems to go to the extreme. There is no place for continual bashing or name calling. You can be critical of a player or coach as long as it isn't overboard and I think most people will be fine with it.
I think saying a player shouldn't be playing and saying a player sucks would hurt the same if said player saw it. I also don't agree with the concept of "you're a coward if you don't say it to their face". I might say something about a player on a message board or to a friend but I would never say it to their face cause I'm not a dick. That concept does work for people who tweet directly at the player though.
Hey guys, remember when we were winning games and nobody cared about Twitter or negative message board posts? Yeah, that was fun. Let's do that more and less of the yappy, yappy.
We all have opinions...One thing I like about Jon and Hawkeyenation is...if you get personal on kids that is the line in the sand, a NO-NO.
Saying I dont think "player A" should play is one thing. Saying "player A" sucks is another.

Instead a tearing a player down you could state a case as to why "player B" should play.
Great Post! We will see where the Hawks end up. National Championship, Sweet 16, One and Done, NIT final, NIT early round exit? They are loosing their Mojo and in this conference they will continue to suffer until changes are made. Someone on the team needs to step up as a leader (Gessell) and the coaches need to adjust on the fly to who is struggling and who is not on any given day. Have the right linup in at the end of games and quit stating after a loss that they were not fired up, ready to play, this is a pathetic excuse, they should be ready to run and gun EVERY time they step on the floor! After seeing Perdue take Mich to final minutes, my prediction has changed to 1-3 for the final 4 games = 11 seed or NIT depending on the B10 Tourney.

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