Jon's B-Ball Piece


Well-Known Member
Jon I think alot of what you say is dead on. I don't know the state of Iowa's B-ball facilities since I haven't been around them for 7-8 years so I can't comment on that..other than to say have you seen Minnesota's?! Tubby seems to be doing it and they suffered through the Monson era. The AD created the lame duck situation with Davis which turned the clock back so true. We certainly suffered through watching Alford cut his coaching teeth to no avail.

I disagree on these points:

Several mid-majors have had better B-Ball than Iowa year after year and manage to win.
Style of play is only relevant when you're losing ALL the time (see Bo Rein).
A program is not defined by one small time thug (Pierre Pearce)
If Snyder can win at K-State and McCarney and Rhodes can win at ISU then in a sport where it only takes a few good players to turn the whole thing around I'm not buying the whole whoa is me Iowa we just don't live in a locale with 5 star B-Ball recruits.