Jon- good radio this morning.


Well-Known Member
I listended to a good portion this morning, and you have people up in arms over this divisional stuff.....with good reason. I would like you to ask Deace if he would be okay with moving the Lions into a division with the Cowboys, Patriots and Steelers. The Lions haven't won anything forever, so it shouldn't matter to him, correct?
Deace is still one of my favorites. I hate to say it, but there was a bit of arrogance in his tone this AM. Making Jon answer questions about threads from "your fan base" Seriously??
What if Jon started cherry picking ISU or Mich threads and made you answer them as if that's how you feel.
Also- the thread comparing Nebraska and Iowa's programs says that Iowa is a better program RIGHT NOW. You left that little bit out. Jon had every right to tell you to stop acting like a DB.
Sorry- had to get that off of my chest. Other than that 2 minutes, great show.