JD, what's the problem here?!?



Site not working well at all. Not loading on Chrome, interface/graphics/design looks like crap. Are there issues?
I just sent an email to one of the tech teams just before reading this...I had asked them to make a few tweaks as we have decreased the number of ads you are seeing on the forums, and I want the local ads moved back to the top and eliminate the tool bar...hoping this is what is taking place right now...will let you know
Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, in your business responds in four minutes like you just did. And with such great detail.
You occupy a special place in this universe (and in my heart), JD. :D
Thanks Vin and Jon. I thought my computer was on the fritz. Hope you get this resolved.
I have two groups of tech folks looking into this...its weird because the work we do on design changes is done offline, and then brought over all at once...the front page and story pages do not seem affected...we're on it.

Not sure if it has something to do with the five ads that we recently removed (yes, we did that two days ago ;) and if that 'void' created a coding issue...but it hasn't been a problem the last two days.
The message boards are rendering normal for me in firefox, however, whereas Chrome and Safari are not..weird
Vintage, are you kidding? Bill Gates, NASA, and Steve Jobs would all be proud of this site. For any one site to have 491 ads.,movies and all the other bells and whistles to load at all, is a modern day miracle. Im surprised we dont have a yellow Budlite first down marker some where on here.
Google apps did conversion yesterday and our business is having fits getting people logged in. I am not having issues seeing this site through chrome though.
I switched to my wife's macbook air and its rendering fine...others I know are rendering fine too...weirder
Vintage, are you kidding? Bill Gates, NASA, and Steve Jobs would all be proud of this site. For any one site to have 491 ads.,movies and all the other bells and whistles to load at all, is a modern day miracle. Im surprised we dont have a yellow Budlite first down marker some where on here.

You are wrong...like I said, we removed five ads earlier this week from each forum page..so its just 486
Removing the banner ad just below yellow navigation bar was a huge improvement to the overall look of the site. Thanks

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