Jameis Winston Victim statement


Well-Known Member
Sounds pretty bad for Tallahassee PD...this stuff has to end. If what the family claims is true...this is ridiculous. And I'm sorry but the whole, "She made a mistake and now it's coming to light because he's famous" attitude is a bit unsettling...We, as fans, literally know NOTHING about these players...I will not jump to defend any player until the legal system does it's job...which in this case...it looks like it didn't....Statement: Police warned accuser about pursuing Jameis Winston matter | Tampa Bay Times
It's pretty obvious that the police are trying to do everything possible to not charge him with anything.
Just another situation where sports become more important than safety. Happened to Iowa with Pierre Pierce. Happened to Penn State, albeit on a much larger scale.
Before people start condemning the police department, wait for the whole story to come out. There are stories like Kobe Bryant's which was a one-nighter blown up by a crazy young woman. And stories like Iowa's own Pierre Pierce (1st offense)/Cedric Everson in which the truth was probably much darker than what was made public.

The police may know a whole lot about this case and are tying to avoid the trouble of a young woman humiliating herself trying to make a case that doesn't exist because a crime never happened.

They could also be trying to protect a star athlete who committed a vicious crime. Thats why waiting for the whole story to come out is best.
There was no coverup with Pierce...the ICPD was involved very publically immediately, and it did not take 12 months for it to surface. Simply not comparable. Pierce was charged and ended up pleading guilty....and not playing. None of that has happened here, and until more facts come out, it is impossible to compare it to Pierce.
What a mess.

Please refrain from using the phrase. It's saved for ISU fans describing Messingham's offensive game calling. TIA.

But seriously, I'm tired of hearing these things happen whether they are athletes or not. The drama surrounding that high school girl down in Missouri sickens me just as much, if not more.
One side of the story. And we shouldn't be so quick to get mad at cops for protecting athletes. I've got some good stories from college about players being protected. (nothing like this though)
Please refrain from using the phrase. It's saved for ISU fans describing Messingham's offensive game calling. TIA.

But seriously, I'm tired of hearing these things happen whether they are athletes or not. The drama surrounding that high school girl down in Missouri sickens me just as much, if not more.

I assume you're talking about Maryville, MO, and that was definitely more sickening. That was the most sickening.

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