jaleel fb and twitter

He says he is receiving some negative comments. People that send these are just stupid but he also gave credit to the positive fans.
LOL at all of you pathetic status groupies, trying to live your lives vicariously through 17 year old HIGH SCHOOL kids. Your possessive behavior is both sick and embarrassing.
He's playing people, like the op, like a fiddle. He knows whatever he says the crazies are gonna take it and run with it. Its probably pure entertainment for him.
It's a bit creepy......prob should atleast wait to friend or follow them until they arrive on campus. I go to the U and still find it creepy to friend people ...even athletes that I don't know personally.
Lol high horse? Is someone sensitive?

Nope, don't have facebook or twitter. Just saying it's out there and Hawkeye reporters follow them and a lot of stuff is released by FB and twitter. Somebody just might be getting their reports instead of creeping these kids. But you seem to jump down their throats no matter what.
Uh no. You obviously haven't read the other thread on this site. I wasn't taking about anyone specifically but the segment of 'fans' that insult and degrade a young man that hasn't even signed a loi. If you want to defend them, then I'm talking to too.
It's a bit creepy......prob should atleast wait to friend or follow them until they arrive on campus. I go to the U and still find it creepy to friend people ...even athletes that I don't know personally.

I don't follow any recruits on twitter and I am not friends with any Iowa athlete/coach/recruit/etc. on FB. If someone posts a thread on here saying to check out something, I might check it out. You don't have to send him a friend request to read what he writes, because he wants it to be that way. He controls who sees his profile and he can make it so that only people he personally knows can see his Facebook status or what have you. I personally have not tried to go to his Facebook page so I don't know if his settings are set to only allow his "Facebook friends" to see his posts.

I'm sure there are some creepy people out there that borderline stalk these kids, but I think that most (sane) people only check out posts like that because they are interested in the Hawkeye recruiting scene. I doubt most of us fans on here are all that interested in their personal lives or what they had for dinner (I know I'm not). I think they probably just had good intentions of finding recruiting information.
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Uh no. You obviously haven't read the other thread on this site. I wasn't taking about anyone specifically but the segment of 'fans' that insult and degrade a young man that hasn't even signed a loi. If you want to defend them, then I'm talking to too.

Ok, maybe you didn't read my post in the other thread, then. In which I stated that people who post or degrade these kids are pathetic. In your first post in this thread it made it seem like you were talking about the OP and the other poster. Maybe you should not have said "your". Confusing.
Most of the negative posts probably come from trolls from other schools trying to run the guy off.

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