It's Great To Be a Hawkeye


Well-Known Member
Tough, disappointing loss, but we need to keep it in perspective.

Our program has been on a steady climb into a national Contender.
10 years ago we wouldn't have thought possible.

Most years you may have one one legitimate team go undefeated if any at all. A few years back LSU played for a NC with 2 losses.

So even though it's a tough loss, and alot of mistakes were made, however, it's not the end of the world.

This doesn't mean that I think we will play for the nc this year, but there is alot of positives left for us including a b10 title and rose bowl.
I still see these as good possibilities.

We fought hard in this game and were beat. will we suffer in the rankings-yes. However the fact that it was on so late might actually help us there and for national perception.

I don't see this one loss hurting us as a program even though it stings right now. We will continue to improve this year and each year here after and one day will be known as the National Champion Hawkeyes.
Hurts the Program some but the team fought back hard after some serious mis-steps. I'm still a proud fan and will continue to be
Hurts the Program some but the team fought back hard after some serious mis-steps. I'm still a proud fan and will continue to be

Maybe squanders an opportunity to REALLY hit the big time, but that was a long shot anyway. Going to the Rose Bowl (and hopefully winning it), would still advance the program, just not as much as a NCG appearance would have.
of course a nc would improve our program, my point is that we will remain on the uptick. We have some excellent recruits and I think we will remain strong for multiple years.
Tough loss to a program trying to rise. No reason to hang one's head after the comeback the Hawks made. Now the guys have something to prove.
Tough, disappointing loss, but we need to keep it in perspective.

Our program has been on a steady climb into a national Contender.
10 years ago we wouldn't have thought possible.

Most years you may have one one legitimate team go undefeated if any at all. A few years back LSU played for a NC with 2 losses.

So even though it's a tough loss, and alot of mistakes were made, however, it's not the end of the world.

This doesn't mean that I think we will play for the nc this year, but there is alot of positives left for us including a b10 title and rose bowl.
I still see these as good possibilities.

We fought hard in this game and were beat. will we suffer in the rankings-yes. However the fact that it was on so late might actually help us there and for national perception.

I don't see this one loss hurting us as a program even though it stings right now. We will continue to improve this year and each year here after and one day will be known as the National Champion Hawkeyes.

Iowa is SOO far away from begin a national title contender that it is not even funny.
Was this your opinion before this game, or only after.

Think about this. what if we still had Bulaga and Spievey?
Both had another year of eligibility and could have really helped us last night.
Would your opinion have changed?
We are recruiting better players every year, QB Depth looks great running back depth will be good for a while, tight ends looks good, been recruiting good linemen, our corners are young, and gaining experience.
Point is that we are closer than I think you are giving credit for.
Although I expected and predicted this choke, I don't see the point in your optimism or excuses under the guise of "keep in perspective." The only analysis is that we had everything on the line with an overall veteran team and absolutely blew the game. The only positive was the game was so late that most people didn't witness it.
Well, I live in Nebraska, So It pretty much sucks to be a Hawkeye right now. Coworkers and the media will be super annoying, pretty much until Nebraska loses. Iowa has a long way to go before any NC talk is justified.(win big ten/rose bowl first) So , life sucks for me, but I still rock that TigerHawk proudly.
This year was our one chance though and we blew it. SR QB,SR dline and a favorable schedule. Our national championship hopes only made it 2 weeks and we blew it,

Lets hope for a Rose Bowl be we have a lot of work to do
This is still a 10 win team. Play like we did in the 1st quarter and we might only make it to 8 or 9. This game was very odd, and unlike KF teams. I think Iowa wins that game 7 or 8 times out of 10. Just wasn't their night. I think this team will grow tremendously from this game. KF usually makes HUGE improvements after a loss.
By the way, it isn't the end of the world, but your optimism isn't well-received. It hasn't been a 10-year-climb. You apparently forgot 2002 when we had a great team and choked early against Iowa State otherwise may have play. ed Miami for the national championship. That early loss proved to be a huge difference in the end so don't try and sugar coat the pathetic loss last night on national television. There have been several years recently where we have come up short, and this appears to be yet another.

Iowa had everything on the line last night with a veteran team and choked. Leave it at that. Life goes on as it is just a game, but the fact is that pathetic performance it probably killed a BCS bowl bid. "Wait til next year."
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By the way, it isn't the end of the world, but your post is idiotic. It hasn't been a 10-climb. You apparently forgot 2002 when we had a great team and choked early against Iowa State otherwise may have play. ed Miami for the national championship. That early loss proved to be a huge difference in the end so don't try and sugar coat the pathetic loss last night on national television. Iowa had everything on the line and choked. Leave it at that. Life goes on as it is just a game, but the fact is it probably killed a BCS bowl bid. "Wait til next year."

The loss killed any NCG hopes. But the Rose Bowl is still on the table.
Possible, but not likely, especially given the level of play. I stay with my prior prediction of two more losses. If special teams continue to play like Special Olympics, more than that.
Possible, but not likely, especially given the level of play. I stay with my prior prediction of two more losses. If special teams continue to play like Special Olympics, more than that.

My guess is that we see several starters on the coverage teams next week. But, the special teams play was much improved after halftime. Maybe they needed to get punked to really light a fire under them. That's not necessarily a good thing, but if they can maintain the level of play that they had in the second half (at least the coverage teams), then we should be okay.