Issue with mainpage articles


Can you please, for the love of God and all that is holy, change the format so that when I click on an article from the main page that the interview videos in the righthand corner do not AUTOMATICALLY play unless I choose to click on them.

I cannot emphasize how annoying this is.
I won't use that strong of language but it is bothersome that I have to mute my computer every time I click on one.

The Autoplay audio on articles will remain as is. It will also allow us to reduce the number of ads elsewhere on the site, including the forums where people spend most of their time. Content page views (aka articles) account for 10% of site page views but the video ads there can generate the same revenue as the forums. In fact, if everyone that visited the site each month would read each article we posted, I'd get rid of every video on the entire site save the video ads.
The Autoplay audio on articles will remain as is. It will also allow us to reduce the number of ads elsewhere on the site, including the forums where people spend most of their time. Content page views (aka articles) account for 10% of site page views but the video ads there can generate the same revenue as the forums. In fact, if everyone that visited the site each month would read each article we posted, I'd get rid of every video on the entire site save the video ads.

They are not "ads", they are videos that you shot at media day. How are you making money off of these, and how does it increase your bottom line when I have to listen to the same 2 minute Greg Davis interview from a month ago 20 damn times?
They are not "ads", they are videos that you shot at media day. How are you making money off of these, and how does it increase your bottom line when I have to listen to the same 2 minute Greg Davis interview from a month ago 20 damn times?

DaC, just hit pause. You can control the little video player.
They are not "ads", they are videos that you shot at media day. How are you making money off of these, and how does it increase your bottom line when I have to listen to the same 2 minute Greg Davis interview from a month ago 20 damn times?

ads play in front of the vids. Those ads pay the bills.
Take tonight for instance..there was an ad slot on the right here in the forums. I was browsing and an audio ad snuck in. They're done. Not gonna happen here on the forums. On content pages, where people spend far, far, far less time, they will stay there.