Is the Texas A&M move to SEC negatively impacting UT Austin?


Well-Known Member
After football season 1 for Texas A&M it sure looks like it was a good move. Beating Alabama, a Heisman candidate, and BCS bowl dwarf what UT Austin has done this season. UT Austin fans may be having the same feelings some of us Iowa fans are feeling after such a disappointing season. The Longhorn nation has to be gauging what happens if A&M goes on to have future success.

List the future games on A&M's schedule and compare them to the games on UT's schedule. The only standout game for Texas is with Oklahoma and a non-conference tilt here and there. While games with Baylor and TCU might be talk about games in Texas they don't move the needle to an LSU vs A&M or Alabama vs A&M. Hopefully you see the point. Does the argument if you want to be the best play against the best, win a recruit over?

I ran across an article by Barry Trammel from an OK newspaper last night where he points out that the Big 12 may need to add an 11th team and go to a 10 game conference schedule. In it he pointed out the so few non-conference games of interest played by the Big 12 and how the TV contract will require better games than those currently being offered by the members. He cited the Iowa vs ISU series as an exception. I cite this as evidence that UT Austin is not going to tolerate being second fiddle in Texas.

The Big 12 needs the University of Texas, but will Longhorn nation tolerate being in a conference that can't provide the platform for the national recognition it wants?
Have you ever spent any serious time in Tejas, or know anyone well who was raised there? Apparently not, because if so, you'd realize that Longhorn football is KING down there. People are raised knowing that UT is the top dog in the state, and Tammy has a long reputation of being the dopey little brother (like the clowns in Iowa). It'll take decades upon decades to overturn that hierarchy, and one decent season ain't gonna do it for Tammy.
Have you ever spent any serious time in Tejas, or know anyone well who was raised there? Apparently not, because if so, you'd realize that Longhorn football is KING down there. People are raised knowing that UT is the top dog in the state, and Tammy has a long reputation of being the dopey little brother (like the clowns in Iowa). It'll take decades upon decades to overturn that hierarchy, and one decent season ain't gonna do it for Tammy.

I spend 3 months a year in Texas.
Have you ever spent any serious time in Tejas, or know anyone well who was raised there? Apparently not, because if so, you'd realize that Longhorn football is KING down there. People are raised knowing that UT is the top dog in the state, and Tammy has a long reputation of being the dopey little brother (like the clowns in Iowa). It'll take decades upon decades to overturn that hierarchy, and one decent season ain't gonna do it for Tammy.

Are you really NottiBoy? If so, your tracks are straight dope. Will you be playing the House of Blues in Chicago any time soon? You are to rap what Johnny Football is to football. Thanks for your contributions.


Umm, it's well known that UT only cares about UT and will do whatever it takes to protect UT. That's the whole reason aTm left for the $EC. They got tired of being little bro, and had enough success and big enough brand to bolt. Is it hurting UT? No. UT has internal issues that are similar to what is going on at Iowa. Mack, Diaz(DC), and to a lesser extent Harsin(OC) are all under heat for failing to perform to expectations.

Was the move good for aTm? Absolutely. Will it have a negative affect on UT? Doubtful. As was stated, UT football is king in Texas. I would see it hurting OU more than it hurting UT as the pecking order down here has been UT, OU, then aTm for a while when it comes to the top recruits in Texas.
And you didn't pick up on this??? Where did you live, College Station?

Much further south, McAllen. The retail stores carry half UTA merchandise and half A&M items. The A&M games are well broadcast throughout the area, not that UT games aren't. There is a lot of oil and gas exploration and industry, which is a focus of A&M engineering.
Being a Texas A&M fan, I hate the SEC and seriously considered switching teams for that hate. That said, it was the best move for the Aggies, it is opening up more areas to recruit and there is a lot more recoginition to come from doing well in the SEC than the B12. It carries much more weight nationally, think about it, do people talk about them losing to Florida or LSU, no, they talk about A&M knocking off Alabama and of course, Johnny Football.

The Aggies have had more positive publicity this season since they joined the B12, save for the year they beat KSU to end KSU's chance at a Nat'l title.

In the short term, I don't see UT affected, but long-term I do as long as Mack Brown is there. He has changed his recruiting styles and he is missing out on some top players in the state and that is starting to not bode well for the fanbase. The fact that they really aren't very good isn't helping, but hey they have the Longhorn Network that is now on what, three national cable companies? It is funny how that has just blown up in their face and it has been very nice not seeing them on TV at all as I now live in Michigan.

UT is what caused the B12 to break up and now they won't schedule A&M, it is their loss as the Aggies SEC schedule has more appealing games than playing UT. I would like to see the rivalry because it is one of the really good rivalries, but to use UT's words: "They are the ones that left the conference, not us" then it is okay that they aren't playing them.
yeah and T A&M fits in just perfectly,, having 33 commits and looking to add more. at this rate they could replace half their team with this class
Hey, Mack Brown has my respect. At least he eventually got rid of Greg Davis.
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