Is Penn State going to be able to field a team next year


Well-Known Member
Serious question...

Are they going to be able to hire a coach not affiliated with the current staff?
Are they going to have any recruits?
Are they going to have any players?

I think there is a real risk that they have trouble fielding a team.

This is a program killing (and at a school like Penn State) potentially athletic department killing story.

For a school whose identity is so tied to its football team, are they going to have trouble attracting students?
Serious question...

Are they going to be able to hire a coach not affiliated with the current staff?
Are they going to have any recruits?
Are they going to have any players?

I think there is a real risk that they have trouble fielding a team.

This is a program killing (and at a school like Penn State) potentially athletic department killing story.

For a school whose identity is so tied to its football team, are they going to have trouble attracting students?

All legit questions. I think there will be some kids willing to go play for them just because it's big time college football. Will they be able to field a good team? My guess is no.
Beaver Stadium was full for the Nebraska game.

It will be sold-out for all of next year's games, too. They will have a coach, recruits, and players. The whole thing will hurt them, but won't kill them.
Come on Man.

Yes they're going to be able to find a coach.

Yes they are going to have players and recruits (maybe a few less talented than otherwise, but players none the less)

No the Big 10 isn't going to kick them out.

No the University isn't going to see a significant enrollment decrease.

Does that about cover all of the BS doomsday scenarios that people have been floating around? Yes it's likely that this scandal will significantly hurt PSU football for the next few years. Eventually, people will stop talking about this and it will be nothing more than a bad memory. You may not like it but that's the way the world works.
They better field a team and sell out that stadium, because those victims are gonna get paid and Pedo State is gonna need the $$$.
I am amazed at how some think that the questions presented seem to be crazy or impossible.

Remember SMU? Death Penalty. This scandal makes the SMU scandal look like a simple misdemeanor. Institutional control and code of conduct-- these are MAJOR violations by PSU (if convicted, etc).

The question isn’t' so much will they, but rather will they be allowed to.

This is far beyond football and it's athletic department. I don't think some quite grasps that this is and will probably go down as the most historic collegiate scandal.

If "convicted" --absolutely PSU should be evicted from the conference and xyx # years of football ban--- the # of years that this took place of cover-up and abuse.

USC got 2 year bowl ban and 30 scholarships taken away because reggie busch got a house paid for his mom and a nice car…… I realize common logic doesn’t’ dictate things these days--- but pretty sure that PSU will and should obtain a stricter punishment and if everything happening and coming out of PSU is proven to be true--- then yes—Ultimate death penalty for PSU is the only fitting punishment.
Just curious if Penn St were to lose out, would they consider opting out of a bowl. I know it is completely unfair to the current players, but would they want to start house cleaning in 2 weeks and start moving forward with a new staff.
I am amazed at how some think that the questions presented seem to be crazy or impossible.

Remember SMU? Death Penalty. This scandal makes the SMU scandal look like a simple misdemeanor. Institutional control and code of conduct-- these are MAJOR violations by PSU (if convicted, etc).

The question isn’t' so much will they, but rather will they be allowed to.

This is far beyond football and it's athletic department. I don't think some quite grasps that this is and will probably go down as the most historic collegiate scandal.

If "convicted" --absolutely PSU should be evicted from the conference and xyx # years of football ban--- the # of years that this took place of cover-up and abuse.

USC got 2 year bowl ban and 30 scholarships taken away because reggie busch got a house paid for his mom and a nice car…… I realize common logic doesn’t’ dictate things these days--- but pretty sure that PSU will and should obtain a stricter punishment and if everything happening and coming out of PSU is proven to be true--- then yes—Ultimate death penalty for PSU is the only fitting punishment.

What major violation did PSU break? It sounds ridiculous, but look at the NCAA rulebook and get back to me.

You understand the NCAA really doesn't have much authority on these kinds of matters right? It's pretty messed up, I must admit but how many scholarships did Iowa lose when 20 players were arrested over a years time? How many scholarships did Iowa lose when it came out that they at best mishandled rape allegations related to two of their football players? (and at worst was an attempted coverup that would rival this PSU situation). How many scholarships did Iowa lose when the coaching staff put 13 players into the hospital?
I am amazed at how some think that the questions presented seem to be crazy or impossible.

Remember SMU? Death Penalty. This scandal makes the SMU scandal look like a simple misdemeanor. Institutional control and code of conduct-- these are MAJOR violations by PSU (if convicted, etc).

The question isn’t' so much will they, but rather will they be allowed to.

This is far beyond football and it's athletic department. I don't think some quite grasps that this is and will probably go down as the most historic collegiate scandal.

If "convicted" --absolutely PSU should be evicted from the conference and xyx # years of football ban--- the # of years that this took place of cover-up and abuse.

USC got 2 year bowl ban and 30 scholarships taken away because reggie busch got a house paid for his mom and a nice car…… I realize common logic doesn’t’ dictate things these days--- but pretty sure that PSU will and should obtain a stricter punishment and if everything happening and coming out of PSU is proven to be true--- then yes—Ultimate death penalty for PSU is the only fitting punishment.

Your confusing this PSU cover up scandal with an NCAA scandal. For about the 700th time what PSU did doesn't involve the NCAA, yes it was a lack of instutional control but for other reasons. What USC, OSU, SMU and others did was give out extra benefits to players and recruits to gain a competitive advantage, PSU didn't do that.

PSU is dealing with a criminal matter that will eventually turn into a cival matter as well and not an NCAA matter.
Your confusing this PSU cover up scandal with an NCAA scandal. For about the 700th time what PSU did doesn't involve the NCAA, yes it was a lack of instutional control but for other reasons. What USC, OSU, SMU and others did was give out extra benefits to players and recruits to gain a competitive advantage, PSU didn't do that.

PSU is dealing with a criminal matter that will eventually turn into a cival matter as well and not an NCAA matter.

agreed. To further your point, here's two scenarios:

20 players get arrested for various things including theft, OWI, assualt, etc. The university gets no punishment (other than embarrassment, which is fairly substantial).

20 players get busted for taking $200 each from a booster. The university gets slapped with a failure to moniter and has to forfeit games and loses scholarships.
It does involve the NCAA because the question is were violations committed with regards to by-laws of the NCAA of institutional control and code of conduct. So YES there can be punishment to the university---

could Iowa and other Universities been investigated and charged for the same charge of institutional control and code of conduct given the aforementioned points? yes, absolutely--- if that were the case then we all know there would be about 4 or 5 schools left available to be eligible to be in the NCAA, hence why it's never pursued.

However--Given the gross severity of this case with PSU are reason's why the Big 10 and/or NCAA should absolutely purse this with regards to violations.

I’m just curious-do some of you believe that PSU should have no punishment handed down?
Furthermore-- the NCAA itself has stated that it's going to investigate this as well after the criminal investigation portion is completed.
Itself has stated that there is concern and question of instutional control.
Furthermore - an alleged felon who was no longer on the coaching staff was recruiting players as little as 8 months ago.
"Furthermore - an alleged felon who was no longer on the coaching staff was recruiting players as little as 8 months ago."

I'm not sure if your mocking me or not(sorry just can't tell on messge boards sometimes)--but this just further proves my point---- any reasoning point for that matter.
I am amazed at how some think that the questions presented seem to be crazy or impossible.

Remember SMU? Death Penalty. This scandal makes the SMU scandal look like a simple misdemeanor. Institutional control and code of conduct-- these are MAJOR violations by PSU (if convicted, etc).
IMO, there are a couple of reasons why this is significantly different from SMU.

First, SMU is a private school and PSU is a state school. Loss of revenue (which incidentally is monumentally higher now in comparison to SMU) at PSU would have some impact on taxpayers. The Pennsylvania politicians have much more interest in perpetuating PSU football, in comparison to SMU.

Secondly, I think PSU is going to do every thing they can to appease the NCAA. If I recall correctly, SMU was arrogantly uncooperative with the NCAA.
It does involve the NCAA because the question is were violations committed with regards to by-laws of the NCAA of institutional control and code of conduct. So YES there can be punishment to the university---

could Iowa and other Universities been investigated and charged for the same charge of institutional control and code of conduct given the aforementioned points? yes, absolutely--- if that were the case then we all know there would be about 4 or 5 schools left available to be eligible to be in the NCAA, hence why it's never pursued.

However--Given the gross severity of this case with PSU are reason's why the Big 10 and/or NCAA should absolutely purse this with regards to violations.

I’m just curious-do some of you believe that PSU should have no punishment handed down?

There's that word again. Do people live in a fantasy land or what? Especially in legal matters, just because something should happen doesn't make it so. Just to be clear, I think it's ridiculous that the NCAA hands out punishment for trivial things like too many phone calls or buying a kid a plane ticket while not doing anything about more serious offenses such as this.

Also, what bylaws were violated?
The NCAA is a bunch of scumbags also. Why do you think Graham Spanier was in charge of the NCAA Oversight Com.

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