Is Berkley Edwards Right Fit For Iowa? - Rantsports

Doing away with the running back position? What the? When did this happen? Was this some sort of ploy to trick AIRBHG?
That is a horrible article. In one part he says Ferentz said he is doing away with the running back position.
The author graduated from OSU with a degree in English?? That is just a poorly written piece from start to finish. That doesn't even address the odd information given out. "doing away with the RB position"?? Where in hell did he get that.
Garbage piece. Walk away.
One of the schools that are looking at Edwards is the Iowa Hawkeyes. Edwards might be leery about going there with the new offense that the Iowa head coach Kirk Ferentz is putting in place since he has stated he is doing away with the running back position. Does that mean they don’t plan on running the ball? No. Do they plan on throwing it 80% of the time? Not exactly either.

I think we've seen enough rantz sports links.
I received a notification that the author of the article replied to my comment. Oh my...the guy was quoting an article written by BHGP, which was satire full of phony Ferentz quotes...and the guy took it as being real. Bravo, BHGP, Bravo.