Is Barta getting an undeserved pass here?

Barta goes out and gets a guy with 6 total years of college basketball head-coaching experience, from a mid-major school, and gives him a 7 year contract with a $600k/year buyout.

Who does that?

Because of that, we're at the point where we may quite possibly have to deal with the fact that Lickliter will be back next year. If he is back, it won't be out of a sense of loyalty, or a sense that he can turn it around it will be simply because Barta does not want to pay $2.4M to buy out Lickliter and then turn around and pay a crap load of money to buy out his new coach plus pay him his current year contract.

This could have all been avoided if Barta just gave him a standard 5 year deal at the outset and then extended him each year the last two years without extending the buyout.

That "mistake" is likely going to cost the University $1.2M.

We can only hope he's learned from his mistake....if not, his tenure will be short-lived.
I think that is just the landscape in coaching hires at this time. You have to offer long deals and buyouts or your not going to get anyone...This is just one of those times when you have to say screw the money issues and go for it...the difference between a buyout this year and a buyout next year is 600k, which is tiddlywinks in the bigger scheme of things. I think Lick's stance has made it clear he's not going to just leave...
Yeah I said from the get go that Barta messed up on this one. Lick was making 200K a year and Barta says he will pay him 1.2 mil a year. Why? Way to much to soon if you ask me
Guys, I have a feeling we're going to be upset with Barta's hiring and contract negotiating skills for a long time.
Barta goes out and gets a guy with 6 total years of college basketball head-coaching experience, from a mid-major school, and gives him a 7 year contract with a $600k/year buyout.

Who does that?

Because of that, we're at the point where we may quite possibly have to deal with the fact that Lickliter will be back next year. If he is back, it won't be out of a sense of loyalty, or a sense that he can turn it around it will be simply because Barta does not want to pay $2.4M to buy out Lickliter and then turn around and pay a crap load of money to buy out his new coach plus pay him his current year contract.

This could have all been avoided if Barta just gave him a standard 5 year deal at the outset and then extended him each year the last two years without extending the buyout.

That "mistake" is likely going to cost the University $1.2M.

We can only hope he's learned from his mistake....if not, his tenure will be short-lived.

It's not a mistake. Understand that.
Fran doesn’t suck so much at coaching as he does at recruiting and managing games.

This current group of players sucks enough ass collectively on the defensive side of the ball that I don’t think you could fix it with coaching. That’s a recruiting problem. Add in not having anyone on the entire roster who can drive the ball to the hoop and a 12 man rotation, and you have a shit sammich like we do now.
Guys, I have a feeling we're going to be upset with Barta's hiring and contract negotiating skills for a long time.
I feel like the Rick Heller thing has to be either blackmail, or he didn’t know shit about baseball and someone told him that Heller would bring the best rotel dip to Barta’s dope ass donor parties.

There’s no way he hired the best candidate in the country on his own.