Iowa's attrition vs other major programs?


Well-Known Member
Since I don't follow programs other than Iowa, it would be interesting if someone could research the stats showing our attrition rate for scholarship players vs. the rest of the conference or major programs.

I'm curious if what we have experienced is way out of line with the rest of the country.
You serious, Clark? Someone did this just the other day.

First of all I'm not Clark. Secondly, I'm not glued to this board 24/7 (don't have 3K posts in a little over a year). I'm not going to spend time digging through previous pages to see if my question has already been answered. It was a reasonable question, and if you have a problem with it, ignore it rather than reply with some BS answer.
Well 2 OSU DBs just left over the weekend, it happens all over for a number of reasons, some legal, some school related and some that think they should be playing more than they are. USC just lost one of the top ranked WR in the country Kyle Prater from a couple of classes ago.
First of all I'm not Clark. Secondly, I'm not glued to this board 24/7 (don't have 3K posts in a little over a year). I'm not going to spend time digging through previous pages to see if my question has already been answered. It was a reasonable question, and if you have a problem with it, ignore it rather than reply with some BS answer.

Since I don't follow programs other than Iowa, it would be interesting if someone could research the stats showing our attrition rate for scholarship players vs. the rest of the conference or major programs.

I'm curious if what we have experienced is way out of line with the rest of the country.

We are pretty normal to answer your question.....despite the out spoken minority who would have you think differently.
We are pretty normal to answer your question.....despite the out spoken minority who would have you think differently.

And like was mentioned in that other thread we a) don't get as many big recruits as some of the other guys and b) don't over sign. So it hurts us more than the Alabamas of the world.
And like was mentioned in that other thread we a) don't get as many big recruits as some of the other guys and b) don't over sign. So it hurts us more than the Alabamas of the world.

What hurts is all in the same spot/postion.....based on our NFL alumni we compare talent wise to said teams, so I didn't buy into that then and I don't now. This is a subject I've followed closely for some time.

We do have issues, but I don't buy into the big recruits stuff and I'm 50/50 on the over signing.
Does anybody have stats for schools that don't oversign? The stats in the OP of that thread are pretty worthless for comparing to Iowa, imo.

Not saying Iowa necessarily is bad, but we can't tell anything unless we use schools that don't oversign.

I couldn't find anything other than what you saw. Oversigning is in the news and it is rampant in the SEC so that's the data you see. I came across the info on Michigan for B10 only but I looked for OSU, WI, IL, MSU, PSU and Neb plus Oregon and didn't find anything.
Or you could have used the search function rather than be a lazy ***. But we all know how difficult that would have been for you.

Grow up. If you classify laziness based on plugging a search word into the forum before you post, you have some real issues. I asked a question and received several answers from posters. If you have a problem with it, then butt out.
Grow up. If you classify laziness based on plugging a search word into the forum before you post, you have some real issues. I asked a question and received several answers from posters. If you have a problem with it, then butt out.

My first post was just giving you ****. Then you posted about how butt hurt you I think you are the one with the problem. I'm all grown up.
My first post was just giving you ****. Then you posted about how butt hurt you I think you are the one with the problem. I'm all grown up.

Wow, you're a real fruit. You want the last word have it. I'm done. You've already hijacked the thread enough.

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