Iowa vs Indiana Two Deeps

I hope Robinson gets back will be interesting to see if how Wegher does now that he is the main back(if Robinson can't go) and also if Kirk stays with alternating series at RB.
I can't see Paki doing more than spelling Wegher a couple times similar to what Jewel did for Greene last year.

I love have Jones and Davie calling games. Always reminds me of the 2002 season. With the offense just blowing teams out. Hopefully that begins to happen.
why would you think wegher isn't an every down back? what is needed to be an every down back? he might not be the greatest between the tackle runner right now b/c of his size, but he can do it. he can catch out of the backfield, hes shown a knack for scoring around the goal line. I say run him till the tires come off, paki for a breather on long drives, use morse a little bit more for a quick hit from time to time.
I haven't been impressed with Wegher on his blitz pickup and he's a true freshman, those are two big reasons I don't feel he's an every down back........yet
If you are referring to Wegher not being an every down back because he might be playing with some sore ribs, I'm with you. He might need a few more breaks than normal.

But if he's healthy, I think he can definitely an every down back. People always reference his size as an issue...he's bigger than Robinson, Robinson certainly carried the mail this past weekend. While he got injured, it wasn't an injury that was the direct result of the pounding he took, but an awkward fall by a tackler landing on his leg.

But I don't anticipate Wegher will be 100%, so I wouldn't mind seeing O'Meara in spot duty (did I just type that?).
I've been very impressed with Wegher picking up blitzes. I feel he does a better job at maintaining the block than Robinson. Too often I think Robinson hits the defender and lets him go.
I've had bruised ribs and I'm telling you it's really painful. It could definitely affect Wegher's play. Never been impressed with Paki. In a thread earlier, someone was worried about our having too many running backs next year. Burn the redshirt if it will help the team this year. This year first! Worry about next year next year. Murphy's Law is in effect with our running backs this year.
Delighted and relieved to see Greenwood #1 at safety. Means docs have cleared him. Also relieved that Sandeman is listed, even #3 just to show all of us that he is apparently all right as well.
It looks like the players who received the most vicious hits are going to be alright. That is a relief. As long as Robinson is back before Ohio State, I think Iowa will be fine.
I believe that this is going to be a break-out game for Wegher. Were going to finally see an explosive long run for him Saturday. If we can get past these next two games and get Robinson back for OSU I think it'll be a good thing for Iowa getting Wegher some good experience.

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