Iowa v MSU Depth Chart


Not sure I'd say that...No Blythe but I think he is OK now...also no Lowery and he said he could have played last Jordan Cotton and 5 other WR are listed. I think it's just a 'what you paid for it' depth chart.
Not sure I'd say that...No Blythe but I think he is OK now...also no Lowery and he said he could have played last Jordan Cotton and 5 other WR are listed. I think it's just a 'what you paid for it' depth chart.

Good point. Upon second take, I didn't even notice Cotton not being on the chart or Lowery missing. It's only Monday so I guess we'll just wait and see. Alot can change in throughout the week.
Good point. Upon second take, I didn't even notice Cotton not being on the chart or Lowery missing. It's only Monday so I guess we'll just wait and see. Alot can change in throughout the week.

Also notice Keenan davis returning kickoffs over Greg Garmon.... that better not actually happen.
Minnesota was Greg Garmon and Jordan Cotton. Keenan doesn't have Garmon's speed so I think they should keep Garmon back there.
Not sure I'd say that...No Blythe but I think he is OK now...also no Lowery and he said he could have played last Jordan Cotton and 5 other WR are listed. I think it's just a 'what you paid for it' depth chart.

Jon is correct. I don't know how many times i need to say this though, the depth chart is backward looking not forward looking.

Kirk's depth charts during the season tell you who played in the last game (and what last weeks depth chart looked like) and who might be back from injury, there is no other forward looking information in there.
Jon is correct. I don't know how many times i need to say this though, the depth chart is backward looking not forward looking.

Kirk's depth charts during the season tell you who played in the last game (and what last weeks depth chart looked like) and who might be back from injury, there is no other forward looking information in there.

Smooth logic. Except for how some guys who did play in the last game and were listed on the last depth chart are missing from this one. :confused:
Not having Cotton on there is a little strange to me as well. But I really can't put much stock in these depth charts.
Minnesota was Greg Garmon and Jordan Cotton. Keenan doesn't have Garmon's speed so I think they should keep Garmon back there.

Im not sure where you are getting the idea that Garmon is faster than Davis. Davis has been much more productive returning kicks, the only reason he was fazed out whas to prevent injury as other guys have proven to to not be total disasters back there. Keenan Davis has been the lone bright spot in our receiving corps. Hes probably the offensive player we can least afford to lose at this point. Id hate to see what we looked like without him. He might be the only NFL caliber skill position player we have right now, and that includes CJ.
I'm guessing the presser tomorrow is when we will or won't find whether or not Hyde will be playing or not.
CJ doesnt have the footspeed or explosiveness to play TE in an ever increasingly athletic NFL in my opinion. Hes very skilled for his size but I just dont see him breaking away from LBers in college, and dont know how he will be able to in the NFL. In terms of recent TEs at Iowa hes more Scott Chandler than he is Moiake or Dallas Clark, but unfortunately he doesnt have, or hasnt shown Chandlers hands. Its a shame he was so highly rated as I would love to know what he would have looked like as a OT. But being a four star talent like that often removes options for position moves.

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