Iowa v. ISu: football, women's basketball, men's basketball & wrestling

Nice summary video. Hawks might not win a lot of big 10 championships lately but they are doing well instate.

Now beat UNI.
I just want to point out that their AD, Jamie Pollard, is a really good Athletic Director. he doesn't tolerate mediocrity, he is always ahead of the curve and making changes. He has a vision that out whole Department just hasn't had since the Eighties. Its like they are the new hotness for the kids these days.
I just want to point out that their AD, Jamie Pollard, is a really good Athletic Director. he doesn't tolerate mediocrity, he is always ahead of the curve and making changes. He has a vision that out whole Department just hasn't had since the Eighties. Its like they are the new hotness for the kids these days.
He has yet to make a successful hire outside of Hoiberg who he only got because of where he was and Hoiberg needing the experience
...Jamie Pollard, is a really good Athletic Director. he doesn't tolerate mediocrity, he is always ahead of the curve and making changes.
Leads to a revolving door of coaching, which never, ever works.

Ask Nebraska.

Wait...better yet ask Iowa State.
He has yet to make a successful hire outside of Hoiberg who he only got because of where he was and Hoiberg needing the experience
Somehow JP is able to sell a ketchup popsicle (the ISU athletic dept) to a woman in white gloves (the ISU fanbase). He just sells up and those morons lap it up and think he is king. Meanwhile they continue to be horrible. As long as they keep making money, I'm sure nobody over there cares.
I know these guys had a good year in the in-state series, but we are stuck with Fran and Ferentz for another year at least because of this. Even Barry Garta won't exit stage left at this point. So this might sound good now, but in the long run Jamie Pollard and his vision and decisiveness win win out. This might be a case of winning a battle while losing a war.
I know these guys had a good year in the in-state series, but we are stuck with Fran and Ferentz for another year at least because of this. Even Barry Garta won't exit stage left at this point. So this might sound good now, but in the long run Jamie Pollard and his vision and decisiveness win win out. This might be a case of winning a battle while losing a war.
Are you Pollard's dad and not telling us?

Holy shit. You can't seriously be suggesting that Iowa's athletic department (as wonky as it is sometimes) is lagging behind ISU's in any way, shape, or form, can you?

They won a single conference game this year and have played musical coaches for over a decade, and just got swept by the Hawks in every single sport including the football and basketball managers' scrimmages. They're a Big 12 school and can't even afford to have a baseball team for god's sake. On what planet does Jamie Pollard have any edge up on Barta, Ferentz, and Ferentz's staff when taken as a whole?

You can go on and on about vision and decisiveness and karma and general grab-assery all you want, but we are dealing with sports here, not Tony Robbins. Wins alone equal success, and Iowa State has proven for decades that they don't know how to, nor are they interested in winning.

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