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What is left out of the equation is the overall state of the equation is the overall state of the budget of the state of Iowa. On it's own merit, it likely has not chance. However economic conditions indicate that is more complex than that. I think that's important to know before stating one's case.
Yes, athletic budgets are separate, which is actually something I've never completely understood. You basically have what are private entities operating as such though they only get their "charter" through public institutions. Therefore you have coaches and ADs making more than university presidents and govenors. Even Presidents making more money than governors is actually a bit odd when one thinks about it. It seems that university Presidents crash and burn at a higher rate than do Governors even.
I'm not defending what is going on with the bill, but trying to make sense of it. The state budget which came through the Great Recession in much better shape than most states is cracking. Why? First the state survived so well not do our great leaders or the greatness of the people, but because of natural resouces. When fear hit markets, people invest in natural resources. Corn and Bean futures were investments for people normally in stocks. That along with ethanol subsidies caused a financial gain to Iowa.
Now outside of services our economy is very stagnant. The service sector which is low paying is about the only sector to grow. Iowa ranks really low on college educated populations. White collar jobs have generally faired better than blue collar manufacturing jobs. Iowa surprisingly used to be a top 10 state in manufacturing. Every county seat had good solid manufacturing companies which are now gone.
The state has a large financial industry sector, which has done well. That sector as well is in trouble due to the coming pension crisis (not just Iowa' pensions which are in decent shape compared to others. With boomers retiring and low returns, their will be negative pressure in this arena.
The state legislators will be under a lot of pressure to diminish funding of state universities as the budget struggles grow. Iowa will try and fill the gap with Chineses students at it's univerities which will grow a disconnect with the citizens. Long term, Iowa cannot afford 3 public univeristies. Iowa might not be able to fully fund 2 public universities at a P5 academic level.
I envision this bill being shot down. Without a major economic boom, the overall problem will continue to get bigger. The state will keep coming back on athletic budgets which would not be in existance without being "public".