Iowa Schedule Officially Released

Definitely some big days with a lot of matches. A nice schedule and with the Ck duals back in there. December looks great and 4 home meets basically in a month that's really great. Dont know much about Lindenwood U Open tourney.
No kaufman brand open in Omaha I see Okie State is there that woulda been sweet battling them early on.
Another great season ahead!
Glad this is out thank you.
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Often times the Opens like Kaufman Brand aren't listed on the official schedule. It's usually the "younger" guys, those fighting for a spot or returning from injury that compete in some of these open tourneys.
I might be at the Iowa City Duals as I'll be home for Thanksgiving and my Grandma's 90th birthday party will be Saturday. This would be my first live Hawkeye dual as I've only attended tourneys. Realize it's not an ideal date, but I'm really looking forward to it (I'll tape the football game and watch it after the holiday).
AF, that is ideal. If my family were in IC I'd be stoked for it as well, but with mine doing Tgiving in Wi. it is awful. I don't want to not cover it for TOM but I already have enough problems leaving Tgiving early to go back and work Black Friday, let alone cover duals vs warm up competition. That is not a rip on the teams coming in, just an honest assessment of what the Iowa Duals are. A tune up to get guys some matches.
I understand MN. IC is only an hour and a half from my hometown so it should work out well. Haven't told my wife yet that I'm sneaking away for a day and leaving her with my family ;)

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