Iowa Open Practice Notes & Tweets


I will be reposting tweets and notes that come in from the www today in this thread. If you are on twitter, you can follow the retweets there by following @hawkeyenation

Here are some other twitter accounts I would suggest following today and all season long:

@marcmorehouse, @hawkeyeinsider, @hlas, @hawkeyereport, @voiceofthehawks, @scottdochterman, @andrewlogue, @hawkeyefootball, @andy_hamilton, @storminspank

I may add more as I am probably forgetting some that are certainly worth following. Please do not make posts in this thread unless you are making your own practice observations. thanks
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@marcmorehouse: Woody at No. 2. Ferentz at No. 2 center. MacMillan No. 2. Mike Meyer is kicking field goals
@storminspank: The Aussie has a strong leg. (meaning Johny Mullings)

(Jon's note: I am very, very hopeful that Mullings can handle kickoff duties, if he can boom them. this will lead to more hidden yard advantages for the offense, if the defense forces its usual diet of three and will mean the offense will have less yards to navigate before getting into scoring zones)
REMINDER: Please do no submit replies in this thread, unless you are making your own observations from the practice. thanks
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Conor Boffeli is in the mix at guard and center. I recall last year the staff really liking what they had in him. If Keoppel wins the C battle this year, Boffeli and Ferentz will battle there next year.
@storminspank: I need to see CJ Fiedorowicz's high school transcripts. No way he's a true frosh. Wow. Just a beast.
FYI: there will be a complete transcript from Kirk's post practice presser on the site later this afternoon, and an entire aggregation of all the videos and stories from around the www as well

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