Iowa Ladies Football Academy


This deserves its own thread.

On June 18, 2011 will be the inaugural Iowa Ladies Football Academy.

This event is a fund raising opportunity for the University of Iowa Children's Hospital. For $50 and pledges of at least $300 more (this is all tax deductible remember) you will get the opportunity to come out of the locker room and down the tunnel as the swarm to "Back in Black" You will get to work with the position coaches and even have the opportunity for prizes for the top fundraisers. Capping the night off will be Coach Ferentz wrapping up the day himself.

Head on to The Academy - Iowa Ladies Football Academy to sign up as there is limited space.

I wish I could go myself, but alas, I seem to not have all of the correct chromosomes.
I read the title of this thread and thought it was talking about the Iowa State football program.
Surprisingly, my wife was excited about this thing, so I've got her signed up. I wish I could go with her...

Anyone who wants to donate to a good cause in order to help an anonymous internet Hawkeye fan send his wife to a football academy, shoot me a private message for her donation link.:)

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