Iowa/ISU...more bitter than ever?


Well-Known Member
Is it just me or does it seem like the events of the past few weeks really upped the ante on the rivalry between the two? Seems like the banter between us and them has really gotten a little more dirtier and more nasty. Do you think this is the case and if so do you think it will carry beyond the message boards and over to the casual fans?
On there side it ups the ante. They will or actually are already finding ways to blame us for all of this. Everything bad that happens to ISU is in some way, shape, or form Iowa's fault to no end. It's funny because when they were withering away from conference re-alignment issues...we went from being thier problem to thier only chance of survival(IN thier eyes at least). Yet we aren't the best program in the state according to many of them. That's kinda wierd.
I think it will really become an issue on the message boards until we beat them may calm down for awhile after that. The ISU players will def. use it as motivation I would think. Iowa players will probably treat the game like they do every other game in the always.
I think it will really become an issue on the message boards until we beat them may calm down for awhile after that. The ISU players will def. use it as motivation I would think. Iowa players will probably treat the game like they do every other game in the always.


If you need to use a stupid argument between fan bases as motivation then you have problems
Well I would think that any motivation possible would be a good thing...that's all I'm saying. I would assume they could use all incentive that they can get.
I think at this year's game, anyone entering Kinnick stadium sporting an ISU tee shirt or cap should be given a Texas cap and tee shirt. The cap would have the longhorns on it with a tiny cyclone underneath it. The tee shirt would show a longhorn with a crown sitting on a throne smoking a big cigar with diamonds on his fingers and a Cyclone kissing his feet. Plus, the cyclone would be handing the Longhorn money....

Now wouldn't that up the ante...
As long as ISU is leading in the Director's Cup, we don't have a leg to stand on. ISU is clearly the preeminent program in this state.
On there side it ups the ante. They will or actually are already finding ways to blame us for all of this. Everything bad that happens to ISU is in some way, shape, or form Iowa's fault to no end. It's funny because when they were withering away from conference re-alignment issues...we went from being thier problem to thier only chance of survival(IN thier eyes at least). Yet we aren't the best program in the state according to many of them. That's kinda wierd.

We are ISU's George Bush. They have to have some one to blame their failings on. So they take a clue from the president and blame George Bush (Iowa).
Save the politics for a diferent board. Maybe you should worry about the unconstitutional laws being passed by your state government.
I bet its a little more bitter from some ISU fans. Which, really, makes no sense at all. What do they want from us? I feel as Iowa fans all we want to do is play them once a year, beat them, and either get the hell out of Ames or push them out of Iowa City as fast as possible. They are going to be bitter because we didn't go to bat for them with this expansion thing? Please, lets be realistic, these two programs have never been attached at the hip and if wasn't for Hy-Vee wouldn't ever cross paths.

As an Iowa fan, all I worry about is Iowa taking care of its duties and playing well. ISU should do the same, get better, fundraise more, recruit better, fire JP, I don't know, worry about yourself and leave us out of it. Good luck.
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