Iowa Grown Starting Lineup


Well-Known Member
There is always a debate about how widely iowa must recruit to compete nationally. We have had successful teams in the past with home grown talent, and we have had great players leave the state. What is the best team we COULD have had if everyone had stayed home? What is our potential team this year or in the next 3-4 years if we had the best five Iowans as our starting lineup?

Make the assumptions that you want to on how long players might stay. For example, Barnes might leave after this year, and I cannot imagine two more years, but doesn't the following indicate that the problem with Iowa basketball is NOT the lack of quality local talent? A perfect lineup? Nope? better than we can expect in the near future even recruiting coast to coast? Yep.

Harrison Barnes
Matt Bohannon
Marcus Paige
Jarrod Uthoff
Josh Oglesby
It would certainly be a competitive team but Barnes and Paige won't play together in college. Barnes won't spend more than 2 years at UNC.
I'm not sure about this lineup. You have 3 guys that have never played college ball. Who knows what they'll be like. Also you have Paige as a junior. Why not put Woodbury in there and Staten, and go further with Jok. Yes there is talent in Iowa, but they ALL won't play at the same school together for 4 years.
The problem with all-Iowa lineups is that their tends to be some droughts in Iowa talent. From the 2002 class of Horner,Haluska,Brunner,Jacobsen,Funk ect....the next 6-7 classes were thin and weak with Mike Henderson,Alex Thompson,Jason Bohannon,Carlton Reed, Matt Gatens and Eric May as the featured guys. How would that group compete in the Big Ten? Last year Barnes was the abberation. This year it is Oglesby and Uthoff....and that is about it. Next year...Paige,Woodbury and who?

Just not enough consistent depth and quality to piece together 13 men rosters from Iowa preps only.
I agree that...
My sample lineup will probably never be in college at the same time,
They may not even be the best players available in Iowa in this period,
They haven't proven themselves at the college level,
There are not enough for a full roster, and
There are not enough players consistently for a great starting lineup of Iowa players.

Any other givens I need to cover? Oh, yeah. These not enough, won't stay around long enough, wouldn't sign with Iowa, unproven players still might within reason be a pretty coachable, pretty good team compared to what we sometimes have had as an alternative. I know it's not a great idea. It just was an idea. Better than thinking about yardwork. If we consistently god the best talent in Iowa, I still believe we would be a better team for it.

You are certainly entitled to disagree.

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