Iowa Front License Plate Question


Well-Known Member
I am looking for a front/decorative license plate. I want something pretty specific that will not get a worn look to it over time. I want it to have a silver/pewter look to it for the background with some sort of Tiger Hawk logo in the center that is raised and probably black, to offset the silver/pewter background. I don't want the logo to be of a different material than the background, just raised or colored with something that won't wear out and look shabby down the road.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I have seen something similar to what I am looking for in some other schools, but I couldn't get the place to order Iowa plates, since they needed a minimum order.

Any feedback would be great. Thanks in advance. By the way, the silver plate with the circular logo in the center at this page below is the closest I have come to what I am looking for.

Iowa Plates
All of the plates look pretty good, but in Iowa, you are required to have a license plate on the front and the back.

License plate laws in Iowa state that all vehicles must display two license plates, one in front and one in the rear.
Thawki's location says Kansas City, so I'm assuming he's on the Kansas side.

That's what I loved about Kansas, you didn't have a front plate. Now that I'm on the Missouri side I had to lose my Hawkeye plate.
All vehicles that are registered in Kansas are issued at least one license plate, and Kansas state law requires only one license plate to be displayed at the rear of the vehicle.

Thanks Thawki--I just made an assumption.....and you know what happens when you assume.
hard time finding those items due to Iowa's laws, I live in NC - we have all kinds of choices, I actuallty have a hologram one I got in Myrtle Beach - looks awesome, but not what you are looking for