Iowa & Big Ten Bowl Projections for 11-27


Big Ten Bowl Projections for 11-27 | Hawkeye Nation

ROSE: Wisconsin
SUGAR: Ohio State
CAP ONE: Michigan State

These three seem pretty solid. I think Wisconsin stays ranked ahead of Ohio State in the BCS. Ohio State will gain ground on them, but won’t overtake them.

Now, for the Outback Bowl…

Whew. The drop off in the Big Ten after the top three is pretty steep from a bowl committee perspective. The Outback really needs the SEC to do them a favor and slot Florida from the SEC. The SEC controls the fates of their teams and their bowl destinations directly; it’s not like the Big Ten, who lets the bowls make the calls (allegedly). The Outback needs Florida for a strong showing at the turnstiles. That’s not the greatest boost to the local economy, but it’s important.

So I am going to project Florida to the Outback Bowl.

Now, Iowa, Penn State and Michigan are there from the Big Ten at 7-5. Illinois could be at 7-5 too, if it wins at Fresno State next week. Iowa beat Penn State and Michigan, but that doesn’t matter. Iowa is on a three game losing streak that could have easily been four, were it not for a dropped pass in the end zone by Indiana.

Iowa has one of its marquee players saying after the Minnesota loss that the team has lost its will to win. Not good.

Michigan may be making a coaching change and the Penn State fan base travels better than they do on the average. I think the Outback goes with Penn State here.

OUTBACK: Penn State v Florida

Next up is the Gator Bowl. I pointed out several weeks ago that the Gator is in its final year of its sponsorship deal with Konica-Minolta. They don’t have a corporate sponsor lined up for next year, and I think that is a factor here, as Michigan has a national name. While I think they will be making a coaching change, Michigan’s TV ratings draw dwarfs what Iowa can provide on that front, and while neither fan base will be jacked up to visit Jacksonville this year, the TV ratings for a future title sponsorship for the bowl game wins out in the end.

GATOR: Michigan

Which leaves Iowa to the Insight Bowl. That’s a long way away from what Iowa fans had hoped for when the season started. I guess I can stop right there because there really isn’t a ‘but’ in there.

The possible opponent is interesting, however. The Insight matches up Big 10 vs Big 12.

Here is the Big 12′s bowl selection order:

I think the Big 12 is a one BCS bid league. I think Stanford will get into the #4 BCS slot, guaranteeing them a BCS bid. The Big 10 will get two as will the SEC. That means the winner of the Big 12 title game on Saturday is the only team from that league that will get a BCS bid. If Oklahoma wins, I think Nebraska will be passed over by the Cotton for Texas A&M. If Nebraska wins, I think Oklahoma will go to the Cotton.

I think Oklahoma will beat Nebraska, sending the Sooners to the Fiesta. I think A&M goes to the Cotton and the Huskers will get picked up by the Alamo. That leaves the Insight to pick between 10-2 Oklahoma State or 10-2 Missouri. The Insight passed over an 8-4 Missouri team last year in favor of a 6-6 Iowa State. I don’t think they will pass the Tigers by this year, especially due to a ‘compelling’ draw against bordering Iowa.

So that’s my pick right now, the best ‘finger in the wind’ stab I can make. If more information comes available this week, this may change. Just don’t go ordering tickets or booking flights to this game just yet, or if you do, don’t blame me if it doesn’t work out.

If you would like to sign up to be notified of our bowl charter trip information once it becomes available, CLICK HERE. We are once again teaming up with the University of Iowa Alumni Association for our charter this year.
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Hey Jon

Good thoughts although I just cannot see that happening.
Im thinking itll be Iowa vs. South carolina in the outback
Has Missouri changed their attack much since Chase Daniel left? If not, we're probably going to get skewered by their short passing game, if in fact that's how it shakes out.
Agree 100% although should Oklahoma lose it will be a very interesting decision for the Cotton Bowl folks. Oklahoma already played a game at the Cotton Bowl this year, do they want them back again? Will it jeopardize the location for the Red River Rivalry in the future should they not pick them? I think the CB folks are hoping that Oklahoma wins so they can take the Aggies.
Jon i think your reading to much into TV ratings especially since this game ratings aren't going to be very good regardless who is in it. The gator Bowl starts at 1:30, cap one and outback bowl both start at 1 and the ticketcity bowl starts at noon so that's 3 other bowl games and 2 of higher prestige that the gator going up against for ratings. Is Michigan really going to make any difference what so ever? I don't think so, I still say it's the Outback, would somebody please tell me the last time Iowa passed over for a bowl game by a team with the same record? To be honest the most intriguing game as far as matchup goes is the insight bowl by far.
who is the marguee player stating that they lost their will to win? BTW i think that was obivious the last 4 weeks.
I don't see Iowa dropping past the Gator. What bowl would want to take Michigan at this point? Their fans are not going to be chomping at the bit to make a bowl trip. Their team is not very good and might be going through a coaching change. Not exactly what a bowl committee is looking for.

I think Iowa vs. Florida in the Gator. Which is probably the best matchup for us.
I don't see Iowa dropping past the Gator. What bowl would want to take Michigan at this point? Their fans are not going to be chomping at the bit to make a bowl trip. Their team is not very good and might be going through a coaching change. Not exactly what a bowl committee is looking for.

I think Iowa vs. Florida in the Gator. Which is probably the best matchup for us.

If not for the coaching change part you could say the same thing about Iowa.
If not for the coaching change part you could say the same thing about Iowa.

Which is why I made the point about Michigan. Normally a team coming off of a 2 year bowl absence would be more likely to travel, but there's not that vibe with the Michigan fan base this year. Iowa would travel just as well even in a down year. Might as well take the better team. At least that would be my rationale if I'm on the bowl committee.
It's not a lock that the insight is going to get either OSU or Missouri from the big 12 side. If you project OU winning the big 12 championship, this is how i see the big 12 playing out.

Fiesta: Oklahoma
Cotton: Texas A&M (Doesn't want the big 12 loser b/c they would play 2 games in the same stadium within 5 weeks of each other...not good business)
Alamo: Missouri or Oklahoma St...Arizona is just about a lock from the Pac 10 side of things and Nebraska was there opponent last year in the holiday bowl. Neither school wants the rematch.
Insight: Nebraska

From a Nebraska side, im afraid it's either Phoenix or Phoenix for us. We either play in the big bowl (Fiesta) or drop all the way down to Insight. We may start the rivalry a year early.

NOW...if the PAC 10 can figure out a way to not have Arizona go to the Alamo, then Nebraska would most certainly get the nod there. With Stanford a guarantee for the BCS tho, that appears to be a long shot.
It's not a lock that the insight is going to get either OSU or Missouri from the big 12 side. If you project OU winning the big 12 championship, this is how i see the big 12 playing out.

Fiesta: Oklahoma
Cotton: Texas A&M (Doesn't want the big 12 loser b/c they would play 2 games in the same stadium within 5 weeks of each other...not good business)
Alamo: Missouri or Oklahoma St...Arizona is just about a lock from the Pac 10 side of things and Nebraska was there opponent last year in the holiday bowl. Neither school wants the rematch.
Insight: Nebraska

From a Nebraska side, im afraid it's either Phoenix or Phoenix for us. We either play in the big bowl (Fiesta) or drop all the way down to Insight. We may start the rivalry a year early.

NOW...if the PAC 10 can figure out a way to not have Arizona go to the Alamo, then Nebraska would most certainly get the nod there. With Stanford a guarantee for the BCS tho, that appears to be a long shot.

I would be ok with the Insight if Iowa plays Nebraska, otherwise not so much, I would rather go to Tampa or Jacksonville and have a rematch with Florida or South Carolina.
you are being too nice... I don't think Penn State on their best day can beat an SEC team... however, Iowa on their best day can whoop an SEC team...

now it is just up to the team to see if they want to go out winners or pack their bags.
I do like the idea of Iowa/Nebraska in the Insight ... the fans would get up with that at least (hopefully the players would too)
Agree 100% although should Oklahoma lose it will be a very interesting decision for the Cotton Bowl folks. Oklahoma already played a game at the Cotton Bowl this year, do they want them back again? Will it jeopardize the location for the Red River Rivalry in the future should they not pick them? I think the CB folks are hoping that Oklahoma wins so they can take the Aggies.

OU plays Texas in the actual Cotton Bowl stadium. The Bowl "AT&T Cotton Bowl" is now played at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, TX, so it'll be a different venue. Texas A&M has actually played at Jerry's world already once this year when they played Arkansas, FWIW.