Indiana QB Recruit Gunner Kiel cancels verbal

Breaking News Indiana

Gunner Kiel the heralded QB recruit at Indiana has canceled his verbal to Indiana and reopened his search.

Apparently his older brother Dusty is a soph QB at Indiana and Daddy Kiel is upset at how his son has been treated when they recently gave Tre Roberson the job.

Where the Hawks ever on his list?
To the OP ... don't get too worked up about the sarcastic remarks people sometimes get for posting news that has already been shared on the board. Some people don't realize that not everyone spends countless hours on hawkeyenation.
To the OP ... don't get too worked up about the sarcastic remarks people sometimes get for posting news that has already been shared on the board. Some people don't realize that not everyone spends countless hours on hawkeyenation.

Also, to the OP: some other people take playful joking very seriously. Just FYI
The "involved Father" angle is something new on Kiel. If that's the can have him. Been there...done thanks Mr Christensen.
I thought it was kind of crazy having two QB sons attend the same school anyway. Isn't the older son a soph? So the stud younger bro was going to sit for two years behind the older bro? Not good. And now Roberson,who was Mr Football in Indiana last year,is in the picture bigtime. He is like the next Kellen Lewis.
This was going to be a disaster from the git-go and now with the emergence of Lewis...Gunner should move on while he can.
Doubt we are getting a high star Qb seeing as we have Ruddock. How do get a star when you tell them they have to sit behind another star for 3 years.