In the last coaching search......

within a day or so, Pearl came out with a statement stating he appreciated the interest Iowa had in him, but was staying at Tennessee.

There's been absolutely nothing like that to this point, save a tweet from Rick Brown that he heard Pearl had no interest.

Is there any possibility whatsoever that Pearl has interest in the job? Or is it just a case of he doesn't feel the need to say anything because A) his team is still in the Tourney and he doesn't want to distract from that or B) the Iowa job is so bad and so beneath him that he doesn't feel the need to say anything (sort of like a CEO telling people he has no interest in being a Wal-Mart greeter)?
I think he's either still in the mix or Iowa didn't even have him contacted (which would be a huge mistake!).

My guts telling me that we have some sort of mutual interest with him. Dan Patrick must have made a deal with him that they wouldn't talk about coaching openings. Nothing was even mentioned yesterday and his name has been floating around.
I've also noticed the lack of "official" statements regarding interest in the opening. We've heard tweets and in a private conversation stuff but no official statements. While it could mean that Pearl is still in the mix I think it's more likely that the UI hasn't officially contacted these folks. Thats what we are paying the search committee for and they are out there doing there jobs.
Or he wants to keep his name in the mix to get an extension and raise out of Tennessee.

I think taking his team farther in the tournament than ANY Tenn team has gone would warrant a raise. Tenn has never gone farther than the Sweet 16 in men's BB.
I think he's either still in the mix or Iowa didn't even have him contacted (which would be a huge mistake!).

This is what I believe. If we had contacted him, I believe we would have heard a "thanks but no thanks" type of story if Pearl had turned us down, OR we haven't contacted him yet.

Tennessee and Baylor are the two teams I'm watching very closely this week. If they're done after this weekend, I'm hoping we get lots of "smoke" next week from either Pearl or Drew rumors..
Maybe he's more worried about winning an NCAA championship.

You think Forbes would be working his butt off to get consideration for the job knowing his boss was interested. Yeah right.

Pearl is not coming to Iowa.
I think he's either still in the mix or Iowa didn't even have him contacted (which would be a huge mistake!).

My guts telling me that we have some sort of mutual interest with him. Dan Patrick must have made a deal with him that they wouldn't talk about coaching openings. Nothing was even mentioned yesterday and his name has been floating around.

I think it would be more like DP didn't think it was a story and that it wasn't going to happen so he didn't even bring it up. I highly doubt the day before his team is going to play in the sweet sixteen that he would be talking about a job opening at a school that he used to coach at.

Even if it was brought up what is he going to say?

Pearl isn't coming here, I really don't get why people can't see that.
I think it would be more like DP didn't think it was a story and that it wasn't going to happen so he didn't even bring it up. I highly doubt the day before his team is going to play in the sweet sixteen that he would be talking about a job opening at a school that he used to coach at.

Even if it was brought up what is he going to say?

Pearl isn't coming here, I really don't get why people can't see that.

So why then did they talk about point-shaving at Boston College? That too has absolutely nothing to do with his team's Sweet 16 game...
I think it would be more like DP didn't think it was a story and that it wasn't going to happen so he didn't even bring it up. I highly doubt the day before his team is going to play in the sweet sixteen that he would be talking about a job opening at a school that he used to coach at.

Even if it was brought up what is he going to say?

Pearl isn't coming here, I really don't get why people can't see that.
Because there has been no confirmation that says he's not coming to iowa, so people still have hope. I know i still do.
I could be wrong, but I thought it took more than a day or two for Pearl to make the announcement. The lack of an announcement this time does leave us a slim glimmer of hope.
I just think Iowa is more respectful to BP and Tenn to wait tell his team was eliminated from the Tournament. So maybe thats why around final four time like someone had stated before we'd have our new coach. Because A. i don't see Tenn in the final four which would give Barta the oppertunity to talk basketball position with BP. Then if he doesn't wanna be the coach, you go get your next guy.

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