Impression of the Big House


Well-Known Member
Not sure if this has already been talked about elsewhere, so I apologize in advance if this is a repeat topic.

I made my first trip to Ann Arbor this weekend with my dad, one of my buddies, and 3 of my dad's friends. And aside from the 7-hour drive (longer for my dad and his friends, coming from Wayne and Decatur Counties), it was fantastic! I loved the atmosphere around Ann Arbor. At least around the stadium, it was much more open and warm than it is at Kinnick, where the UIHC and houses are just right on top of you, almost suffocating compared to AA. Tailgating at the golf course was great, I like things to be a little more laid back (not Prohibition, just a little more laid back than Kinnick). I even met hwkwyld out there, and it was great getting to meet someone from around here.

And I was pleasantly surprised by the Michigan fans. Me and my buddy had tickets in section 4, the other people in our group were in section 6. There were two Iowa fans right behind us, but everyone else immediately around us were Wolverines, many of whom were about our age (college-aged). When I saw student-age Michigan fans I expected to take a lot of s*it, and we didn't take any. We were able to talk all game with the couple right in front of us, and it was far more enjoyable than any game I've been too in Kinnick from that angle.
Would agree been to AA many times in both wins and plenty of loses as well good people and nice stadium for sure.
Apart from the half a seat you get I would agree. I know everyone loves the party atmosphere at Kinnick, but I can do without the insanely drunk idiots. Ann Arbor is far more under control. Makes sense considering the level of the university. The biggest idiot party kids at Iowa would have no chance of getting into UM.
Apart from the half a seat you get I would agree. I know everyone loves the party atmosphere at Kinnick, but I can do without the insanely drunk idiots. Ann Arbor is far more under control. Makes sense considering the level of the university. The biggest idiot party kids at Iowa would have no chance of getting into UM.

Ha Ha... I was thinking the same thing! Just getting older is all... your 19 year old self would have been ridiculed and taunted.
I have only been to AA once (2006), and I echo your sentiments. Classy fans, for the most part. Nice stadium. I envy you for seeing a W, whereas I saw us get dominated by the #2 team in the country.
Apart from the half a seat you get I would agree. I know everyone loves the party atmosphere at Kinnick, but I can do without the insanely drunk idiots. Ann Arbor is far more under control. Makes sense considering the level of the university. The biggest idiot party kids at Iowa would have no chance of getting into UM.

I agree completely. The fan we talked with all day came in a little tipsy, but by halftime he was sobered up completely, and he was never beligerant/stupid. I used to be against the new tailgate rules at Kinnick, thinking that it was taking away from the atmosphere of college football (and I don't even drink). After this trip, I walked away knowing what college football tradition and atmosphere is all about. I got chills down my spine when Michigan came out and touched the banner with Hail to the Victors playing (not to mention a couple really good pictures of it), as well as when they all sang both Hail and the Alma Mater. I couldn't believe they had 100,000+ people who could do that, when we probably have maybe 1,000 who could sing the fight song if they were sober. My eyes actually watered when they were singing, and not out of shame. It was just so cool and dramatic that it brought it out of me. I really did have as much or more fun with the fans and atmosphere at the Big House as I do at Kinnick.

There was one idiot nearby, but he was yanked out by security early in the 4th quarter, and he was the only one like that that we saw. In the student section at Kinnick, I see guys like him in pretty much every seat but mine.

That's what I want at Kinnick. I loved what we have because it's all I've ever known, and I just figured that's how it is pretty much everywhere. I'd tailgate every week here if it were like it is in Ann Arbor, and I'd be able to thoroughly enjoy the entire gameday experience much more than I do now (I pretty much focus on the game and ignore everything else, the way it is at Kinnick right now).
I agree completely. The fan we talked with all day came in a little tipsy, but by halftime he was sobered up completely, and he was never beligerant/stupid. I used to be against the new tailgate rules at Kinnick, thinking that it was taking away from the atmosphere of college football (and I don't even drink). After this trip, I walked away knowing what college football tradition and atmosphere is all about. I got chills down my spine when Michigan came out and touched the banner with Hail to the Victors playing (not to mention a couple really good pictures of it), as well as when they all sang both Hail and the Alma Mater. I couldn't believe they had 100,000+ people who could do that, when we probably have maybe 1,000 who could sing the fight song if they were sober. My eyes actually watered when they were singing, and not out of shame. It was just so cool and dramatic that it brought it out of me. I really did have as much or more fun with the fans and atmosphere at the Big House as I do at Kinnick.

There was one idiot nearby, but he was yanked out by security early in the 4th quarter, and he was the only one like that that we saw. In the student section at Kinnick, I see guys like him in pretty much every seat but mine.

That's what I want at Kinnick. I loved what we have because it's all I've ever known, and I just figured that's how it is pretty much everywhere. I'd tailgate every week here if it were like it is in Ann Arbor, and I'd be able to thoroughly enjoy the entire gameday experience much more than I do now (I pretty much focus on the game and ignore everything else, the way it is at Kinnick right now).

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you had a good time and felt compelled enough to share your experience but it kind of sounds like maybe you should just transfer to the U of M? Crying over the fight song!?! Sorry but someone had to say it.

As for changing the Kinnick experience I think we should all be very careful for what we wish for. If someone wants to have a few or several beers prior to the game it doesn't bother me one bit. Just be smart enough not to drive home or get in a car with someone that has had too much to drink.
wow you guys are shameful. screw your laid back atmosphere, I love the craziness and hostility of our 70,000 rabid hawk fans!!!
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you had a good time and felt compelled enough to share your experience but it kind of sounds like maybe you should just transfer to the U of M? Crying over the fight song!?! Sorry but someone had to say it.

As for changing the Kinnick experience I think we should all be very careful for what we wish for. If someone wants to have a few or several beers prior to the game it doesn't bother me one bit. Just be smart enough not to drive home or get in a car with someone that has had too much to drink.

It's not any different than having your eyes water at the end of Rudy or something like that. I just could not believe that they 1. have 100,000+ people who know the words, and 2. those people are sober enough to sing it. It just gave me wicked goosebumps.

Don't get me wrong, I still love the Hawks more than any other team, and the U of I is still my school. But that really was awesome from start to finish.
wow you guys are shameful. screw your laid back atmosphere, I love the craziness and hostility of our 70,000 rabid hawk fans!!!

That place was plenty intimidating without the stupidity/beligerance that many of our fans exhibit. I'm not sure I even want to know just how loud The Shoe gets. Most people say the Big House really isn't that loud because of the stadium design. But that place was WAY louder than Kinnick in the 4th quarter. I can't imagine The Shoe, with the architecture that really holds in the noise.
I haven't seen stupid/beligerant/drunken stupor fans the games I've been to the last three years. Not Hawkeye fans. This year I sat across the aisle from ISU section and there was good-natured ribbing prior to the game and until the score was 14-0 and then one Cyfan with liquid courage had his stupidity/beligerance come out. Until the score was 28-0. No Hawk fan instigated any taunting. But he did a couple of passive "scoreboard" hoots and hollars were given back

He left early in the third.

But I have yet to see stupid/beligerant behavior in any section I've been in.
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I haven't seen stupid/beligerant/drunken stupor fans the games I've been to the last three years. Not Hawkeye fans. This year I sat across the aisle from ISU section and there was good-natured ribbing prior to the game and until the score was 14-0 and then in his drunken stupor his stupidity/beligerance came out. Until the score was 28-0.

Early in the third he left.

But I have yet to see stupid/beligerant behavior in any section I've been in.

Well my perspecive is a little skewed, I admit. I stand in the student section. Though I have seen a few idiot fans (not a ton, but a few) in the two or 3 other trips I made to Kinnick before I started school here.
The Big House was insane! We were in Row 6 right behind our bench and that place was LOUD, I was so scared when it seemed as though Michigan was coming back. I have never been in a place that actually SHOOK me! We were tailgating at the Golf Course in like the first row of cars, LOTS OF HAWKEYES THERE! I was so proud of the fan base we had there! Not only that for the most part Michigan fans were amazing! I went in a group of 4 and we have all said we will continue to make that trip when we go there because of the experience we had... Aside from the a few pissy Michigan fans inside the game because we were yelling for our team it was all in all an amazing fun time! Sunburned on the face though! lol
And TM i feel you, The tradition of Michigan is very cool.. Not enough to where I had tears but I appreciated it nonetheless. The Michigan Band was outstanding and there were a few times not only did we say but other hawkeye fans said they would love to see some things at Kinnick be changed. I was awed by their band... They played so many different things and they played ALL Of the time... Insanely amazing... The experience was one I wont forget so I know how ya feel...
OK, I have had enough. Love ya TM, but enough of this "The Big House is better than Kinnick" crap. Enough. Yes it is a nice stadium, and yes it holds a lot of people. Who cares. We play in one of the best home environments in America, and I am proud of it. I would not trade Kinnick for any stadium in America. GO HAWKS!!!
Went to the game as well. I cannot disagree with your assessment, very nice fans and a laid back atmosphere. It was pretty LAME. We got to the parking lot about ten, and there was no traffic and a few people tailgating. Most cars didn't show up until about two hours before the game. It seemed like half of the people actually tailgating were Iowa fans. It would be a great place to take young children, but nowhere near as fun as Wisconsin, Ohio St., and of course Iowa City.
OK, I have had enough. Love ya TM, but enough of this "The Big House is better than Kinnick" crap. Enough. Yes it is a nice stadium, and yes it holds a lot of people. Who cares. We play in one of the best home environments in America, and I am proud of it. I would not trade Kinnick for any stadium in America. GO HAWKS!!!

I'll regress a little and say that MY experience was much more entertaining at Michigan than it is at Kinnick. But a lot of that has to do with the fact that I'm in the student section in Kinnick, I'm sure. Because that IS an area of the stadium that I'm sometimes embarrassed to be in, with the average BAC hovering around .15 (Maybe exaggerrated, maybe undershot, I don't know. But it's ridiculous how many students there can barely function.).

So my experience probably offered a greater dynamic than that for most fans who were in Ann Arbor this weekend. Fair enough?
Never been to Ann Arbor but some of my Hawk buddies have made the trek and through the years have echoed many of the same sentiments. Hope to trek to Ann Arbor some day. Nice to hear the experience was much better than many Hawk fans observed out West.
Band was good and atmosphere was much more energetic then the quiet/old crowd stereotypes I had heard of. This was my first Big House experience as well. The win, of course, makes it an obvious joy to experience, but it is a really cool stadium. Then the skyboxes, jeesh, they are huge, just as big as Kinnick except they have two of them, one of each side!

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