imagine if you grew up in another state or went to a different university

But, but but...

If I was born in another state and went to another university, then I would not be the same person I am today. I am who I am. You can't change that. I grew up in Iowa rooting for the Hawkeyes. It is what it is.
You're mixing your pronouns again. Obviously, grammar is not on your list of priorities as you troll along. If anything, maybe by coming on this site you'll learn something that you can use in your life, such as, when a single customer comes up to you, you'll ask, Do you want fries with that, as opposed to Do we want fries with that?
Scott Frost Today:
Scott woke up as he does every morning, but today was especially difficult as he simply didn't sleep well. He continues to have this recurring nightmare of teams applying the cornhole procedure to his Black Shirt defense. He chants in his sleep, 54...56...54...70 as he recalls the points surrendered in the recent past. He also dreams of the day his defense will force a punt from Ohio State's offense. He knows it's been six long years, but he is sure they will accomplish this by 2025.

Scott knows his sleep troubles will be difficult to overcome...but they pale in comparison to the fact that he now wakes up in Nebraska every morning. That stank will be with him forever.