If you are a fan of your team, and you decide to get a tat


Well-Known Member
Make sure that they are nice tats, and secondly, you aren't hung like Pamela Anderson. Like this fine young Alabama fan.

The picture would look alot better if he were wearing a bra. It pushes things up a little and provides some more cleavage. It would also leave more to the imagination...which is good.
Well, what about this one.....


That seriously can't be a tat, can it? Why, what big ears you have...

Holy ****!! I haven't posted on here in a long time. Have the day off. Sister visiting from Chicago. Took her to Salem for the day. She's site seeing, I'm at a bar. I decide to lurk on this forum. Just took sip of Sierra Nevada on tap. See this picture and a nice spray of Sierra Nevada goes everywhere. Bartender immediately put off about this. I kindly apoligize(11 years Boston area and the Iowa kid in me still there not a masshole quite yet). I then feel sorry apolagize and proceed to show her the picture of what caused the eruption. She laughed her *** off. ******* hilarious. Thanks for the laugh. However my nostrils are burning. Maybe I should come back here more often.
Holy ****!! I haven't posted on here in a long time. Have the day off. Sister visiting from Chicago. Took her to Salem for the day. She's site seeing, I'm at a bar. I decide to lurk on this forum. Just took sip of Sierra Nevada on tap. See this picture and a nice spray of Sierra Nevada goes everywhere. Bartender immediately put off about this. I kindly apoligize(11 years Boston area and the Iowa kid in me still there not a masshole quite yet). I then feel sorry apolagize and proceed to show her the picture of what caused the eruption. She laughed her *** off. ******* hilarious. Thanks for the laugh. However my nostrils are burning. Maybe I should come back here more often.

For the alcohol abuse, you'll need to have a few more sierra nevadas. And don't forget to look at the chuckle Hut, aka, the Off Topic boards. Frequent funnies are on there daily. :)

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