If Iowa Basketball was a stock? Buy, Sell, Hold?


Well-Known Member
I love this team and think they are awfully good, but if they were a stock I have a feeling I would be selling right now. Greenberg and the pundits have driven up the price and I would be ready to roll my profits into Ohio State or Illinois. I hope I am wrong but winning at Crisler will be a tough task. If you Hold it, then you must be a long term investor and would be banking on at least a Sweet 16.
I love this team and think they are awfully good, but if they were a stock I have a feeling I would be selling right now. Greenberg and the pundits have driven up the price and I would be ready to roll my profits into Ohio State or Illinois. I hope I am wrong but winning at Crisler will be a tough task. If you Hold it, then you must be a long term investor and would be banking on at least a Sweet 16.

I understand wanting to sell, but I wouldn't buy Illinois with OK4P's money!
I am selling AFTER tonight's game. Win tomight to reap a quick pop at low risk (a loss won't cause much of a dip).
In case it isn't clear-- @NW is no place to be left holding the bag.
Hold, but closer to selling than buying. By the time season is over I say we end up 10-15 in rankings. I'm hopin we can manage a 3 seed for NCAA tourney.
I would be inclined to say hold because you are still going to make money off this team as this season goes on. The question is how big?

The value of the stock would only go up with a win tonight (and imagine if Iowa takes care of the traps game at Northwestern and defeats MSU in Iowa City).

Iowa can still be a top 10 team with a loss tonight.
Wait ... wouldn't all the posters here already bought years ago (at the very least, on or about the time of the coaching change)?
I'd probably sell. Not because I think we're due for a letdown, but because we're getting more and more serious Final Four talk. The stock has basically nowhere to go but down, so I'd make my bank now rather than risking a major downturn for little potential gain.

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