If Bob Sanders was playing next Sunday...


Well-Known Member
how big of a collision would there be between him and Shonn Greene? Also, which one, if any would walk away from it?
how big of a collision would there be between him and Shonn Greene? Also, which one, if any would walk away from it?

The world would implode. We'd see it, and then the earth would collapse upon itself, and humanity would be rendered a memory.
I posted this in a earlier thread:

The unstoppable force(Greene) vs. The Immoveable object(Sanders)

What would happen?

A. There would be a massive explosion, knocking the earth off it's orbital path, sending it hurling into space. Effectively ending mankind. Let's hope this never occurs.

B. No matter what happens, Sanders would miss the next 3 weeks due to injury.

C. A blinding flash of light with a huge boom. Everybody averts their eyes, afraid to look. They turn back, and the only evidence that either player ever walked the earth is the pair of mouthpieces, laying on the turf.

D. The senseless waste of pitting these two mighty forces of nature against each other, like matter vs. anti-matter, will be a tragedy, not only for the teams involved, but for our planet. All nations must band together, to ensure that such a conflagration never takes place.
I'm not sure how it would turn out, but I am willing to bet Bob would give any amount of money to be playing in that game and find out. I also believe one would help the other one off of the turf after the collision. It would be a collision that could be heard from the parking lot of the stadium.
how big of a collision would there be between him and Shonn Greene? Also, which one, if any would walk away from it?

Greene would run away, without breaking stride, and score a TD. That guy has a really, really low center of gravity, and great balance.
A healthy Bob Sanders would stop him because no one gets lower than Sanders.
But Greene would eventually knock Bob out of the game. I bet Dallas is glad he switched from LB to TE.
Weddle is known as a pretty big hitter and we saw what happened when he tired to tackle Greene yesterday. I love how noboby catches him when he breaks away!
the shockwave generated from that hit would not only destroy the city, it would throw the earth out of orbit. Depending on which way the hit was going, it would send the earth either into the sun or off into space. both would result in the cessation of all life on the planet.