if a new coach came in


Well-Known Member
If we had a new coach come in halfway through the year who knew nothing about the players and had to evaluate them from scratch, what major differences would we see? The reason I thought of this question was I was thinking about White's contributions compared to his minutes. Obviously his reputation is what earned him all these empty minutes down the stretch. If a new coach would have come in, would he have still been a starter? Would he have been given such a long leash to go out and go through the motions for 30 minutes a game?

I hate to call out one player but he is our supposed leader next year. Can we really have a leader that gives so little effort on the court? Will it cause a rift if someone else steps into that role next year when its supposed to be White's turn? That's allot of questions for one post but White is such an important piece of the puzzle next year and if he continues down this road the whole team could be in trouble.
Who is Iowa's leader this year?

Definitely not a guy in the Jr./Sr. class.

Has to be the PG if nobody else steps up and no matter what, it needs to be the PG in some capacity.
Well, Speraw for instance would have probably known that when NU played 6 guys last night, he should have gone man to man on defense and fed the rock inside and tired to foul Olah out because NU has no backup center, thus Olah played 38 minutes.

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