I think it's time to start an official "Support Fran" thread


Well-Known Member
and let jim Delaney and Bary Garta know that messing with our beloved coach and creating controversy when the program is FINALLY breathing life is not acceptable to us as fans.
BCL, I know of your immense love and passion for the chair people, but we just had to endure 3 years of lickball for god's sakes. priorities man.
Fund raising is a job Barta apparently does pretty well; to distance yourself from your head BB coach by using the media, shows that fund raiser and athletics director need to be two separate jobs; held by two separate men.
Fund raising is a job Barta apparently does pretty well; to distance yourself from your head BB coach by using the media, shows that fund raiser and athletics director need to be two separate jobs; held by two separate men.
Ill take the dam AD job then. I won't say a word to fran and delete any emails from the B1G. And ill also try go work Ashton back into our recruiting.
Barta is either an idiot or a jerk. Who in their right mind, goes out and publicly embarrasses a coach that you just hired to resurrect a program whose destruction you caused with your previous hire? Barta apparently is the answer. As another poster stated, Barta needs to be removed as AD and let him focus on fundraising.
im 38 and actually watching basketball again to the point where i care

i dont believe what coach did was that bad and im not so sure even planned a little bit

when you take a step back and look at the situation as a whole im not so sure that coach isnt starting to step on a few toes in the big ten by not just rolling over and being everyones little whipping boy anymore

as for as supporting him fill up carver and make it loud barta will never want to open his mouth again against him it would be political suicide if not close to it already
and let jim Delaney and Bary Garta know that messing with our beloved coach and creating controversy when the program is FINALLY breathing life is not acceptable to us as fans.

Delaney and Barta both dropped the ball on this one. Better they stay quiet and leave us "wondering" versus opening their mouths and "proving"...
You know, it is possible to support the job coach McCaffery is doing without supporting a single incident where he behaved like a petulant child.
We do not want an emotional coach here. He should calm, collected, and always in control. Get the man some gum!

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