This is the key, "The thing is, Iowa has to adjust to this type of play, but they don't have too many players that are that physical."
Games are rarely called the same by refs. Inconsistency has been the trademark of refs ever since I started listening to and watching Iowa bb (in the 50s). These same posts could be posts from 1968, 1973, name the year and you will read the same posts. (of course internet was not available in 1968 so there would be no posts). But we sat around and talked about how inconsistent refs were, especially when the results of the game did not go well for Iowa. Refs have ALWAYS been inconsistent.
I know it is difficult to do but I simply do not pay attention to reffing during games. Just drive you crazy...plays that you think were called correctly, the opposing fans think was a complete joke and vice versus. There are two sides to the argument.
Refs can let the teams play and let the chips fall where they may. Both teams need to adjust to style of the refs and play accordingly.
Refs can begin a game and call everything they see...everytime a player touches another player off a screen, for example, the refs call holding. In games like that fans complain because the refs did not let the teams play and the game turned into a freethrow shooting contest. The fans then talk about how the refs called ticky-tacky fouls all night.
Which are called 'well called games?' Usually when a team wins the game the games is well called. Go to an opponents site and most think they got screwed by the refs.
It is a never ending argument and the refs are not going to win the approval of both sides.
Besides one can look at it in a variety of ways. The over the back foul would not have been called had the player shooting made the basket. Or had this not occurred, then the foul would not have been called.
I do the same with football. There are always calls that go your way, and there are calls that do not. One side cheers while the other side is angry and calls the refs incompetent.
Refereeing is just part of the game. You can talk about how bad the refs were but usually if you just look at your team, the team was the biggest factor in losing. They played poor defense, players were not shooting well, rebounding was terrible, whatever. Can some of that be attributed to the way a game is bet. Teams just need to adjust...if the other team is more physical, then your team wasn't physical enough.
It is just a forever argument and almost always comes down to "if your team had played better, they would probably have won the game."
Remember, both teams have the same refs and one team adjusts better...that team usually wins.