I have a clever idea never before seen....


Active Member
Maybe after Iowa pounds Weismann 75 times. They could pretend to give him the ball but really run a guy or two downfield for an easy pass over the defenders who may likely thinking run may not maintain discipline on the deep receivers. Meh. Probably wouldn't work. Pass the beer nuts
The play action pass could use some work. I remember one play where Rudock made a weak attempt at pretending to hand the ball off which fooled no one.
Maybe after Iowa pounds Weismann 75 times. They could pretend to give him the ball but really run a guy or two downfield for an easy pass over the defenders who may likely thinking run may not maintain discipline on the deep receivers. Meh. Probably wouldn't work. Pass the beer nuts

They did run playaction pass, many times even. They even completed a deep one and should have completed another but it was dropped (imagine that).
IMO what would be almost as effective as the play action would be Rudock keeping the ball more often on the zone read. Not doing this primarily, but atleast when all 8 in the box are locked in on Weisman we could let Rudock pick up a few yards here and there to get us closer on second and third downs. It was there for him all night last night.
Or...or...they could come up with an effective game plan, and then stick with it when the other team proves they can't stop it at all.
We have one problem with play action right now...even though the db's bite on the play action, our receivers that can actually catch the ball, still can't get separation. I'm sorry, but Tevan Smith has speed, he got separation on both passes thrown to him. He actually almost dropped the second one too...both perfect passes from Rudock. I think you have to figure out how to get Powell on the field. We need a threat that the defense needs to prepare for. I can't believe you can't get a guy ready for 60% or 70% of your offense in 2 months. If you can't, your offense is unnecessarily complicated. I won't go with the other reason...to stay within the posting rules.
IMO what would be almost as effective as the play action would be Rudock keeping the ball more often on the zone read. Not doing this primarily, but atleast when all 8 in the box are locked in on Weisman we could let Rudock pick up a few yards here and there to get us closer on second and third downs. It was there for him all night last night.

I agree. They either need to stop running it or he's got to keep it occasionally. Even if you've got to tell him to keep it before hand, which ruins the point of the entire play but at least makes the defense think about it for future plays.
Maybe after Iowa pounds Weismann 75 times. They could pretend to give him the ball but really run a guy or two downfield for an easy pass over the defenders who may likely thinking run may not maintain discipline on the deep receivers. Meh. Probably wouldn't work. Pass the beer nuts

Whoa, hang on a minute dude. Are you sure that's legal. It almost smells of trickery and misdirection. Can you do that?
Maybe after Iowa pounds Weismann 75 times. They could pretend to give him the ball but really run a guy or two downfield for an easy pass over the defenders who may likely thinking run may not maintain discipline on the deep receivers. Meh. Probably wouldn't work. Pass the beer nuts

That sounds awfully risky. I would rather run the same play to the short side of the field 8 times in a row so we play fair and don't trick the defense.
That sounds awfully risky. I would rather run the same play to the short side of the field 8 times in a row so we play fair and don't trick the defense.
If it works, who cares? 4 yards on the ground is better than some derp stick dropping an easy pass.

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