I cried tonight.

As did I. It will happen again. Just like I'll be in the stands again. I let myself miss one game each year, but besides that I will be screaming every play for my team not against them. That includes individual players. Former players is another thing.

Where would we be this year if Bulaga and Spievey had fulfilled their commitment instead of going pro early?
Watch this video gents, GNR always cheers me up.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRIbf6JqkNc]YouTube - Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry[/ame]
I cried as I watched the last few seniors walk back into the tunnel. DJK has been my favorite player, and it's hard to imagine him never playing in Kinnick ever again. But watching Ballard (the final player to leave the field) limp back is what really got me. Those guys left it all on the field, and just came up short. It's hard to stomach.
Really?? Crying over a football game?

If you think he was crying over one less, I think you are seriously mistaken. He was crying for the seniors.

Imagine sacrificing four to five years of your life to this program. Imagine the thrill of last season's success from a player's perspective. Imagine their excitement at the promise of this season and then picture their disappointment at how this season turned out. Imagine the joy of playing in Kinnick. Imagine realizing that will never happen again.

Now that you have imagined all of those feelings, imagine this: After all you have given to this program and its fans, many of them have turned on and abandoned you.

When I think about all of that, I really want to cry for them. Unfortunately, I have difficulties empathizing with the emotions of others, but I sure as hell wouldn't fault someone (like the OP) if they did.
Yeah I definitely didn't shed a tear for the loss, or even over the 8-4 season that we're looking at. That's disappointing, sure. But I typically shed a tear or two on Senior Day. Those guys have put in a lot of time and effort, made sacrifices, and given me a lot of memories. Hard to believe I won't ever see Stanzi, DJK, or Clayborn play in Kinnick ever again.

Its ok little baby.
Last time I cried after an Iowa game was the 1987 Elite 8 loss to UNLV.. I was 10 years old. It doesn't mean I wasn't completely PO'ed after the game last night, or that I don't think this season has been disappointing, though.
Yeah I definitely didn't shed a tear for the loss, or even over the 8-4 season that we're looking at. That's disappointing, sure. But I typically shed a tear or two on Senior Day. Those guys have put in a lot of time and effort, made sacrifices, and given me a lot of memories. Hard to believe I won't ever see Stanzi, DJK, or Clayborn play in Kinnick ever again.

You are also the same guy that cried at Michigan Stadium....wow is all I will say.
What? I can't empathize with the seniors who just lost their last home game? I suppose AC is a p*ssy for crying after the Wisconsin game, right?
Your comparing your investment and what the games mean to you, to a player? Ha hah ha!

I wish Clayborn had one to, but he will get over it quick.

FYI, his dream was not to play for the Iowa Hawkeyes, but to play in the NFL, which he will realize soon.
I cried after the AZ game
I cried after the Wisky game
I cried after the NW game

I just didn't have any tears left last night.

Seriously though you knew exactly what was coming - give up the big 4th quarter drive and let the offense struggle with their so called two minute drill.

It's almost become comical at this point.
Do you cry at night empathizing about people going through real issues in their lives? Losing a football game is hardly a significant time in one's life.

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