Hundreds turn out for Beef O'Brady's Bowl


Well-Known Member
Watching this game and the hundreds of fans in the stands makes me wonder. Is the ESPN money for this telecast enough to offsent the tremendous cost to the universities to go to this bowl. The travel and lodging for team, staff, VIPs and band has to add up to some serious scratch. Is this really a good investment for Beef O'Brady's?

I'd love to see the financial pro-formas on some of these bowls. How is it even economicly feasible.
Watching this game and the hundreds of fans in the stands makes me wonder. Is the ESPN money for this telecast enough to offsent the tremendous cost to the universities to go to this bowl. The travel and lodging for team, staff, VIPs and band has to add up to some serious scratch. Is this really a good investment for Beef O'Brady's?

I'd love to see the financial pro-formas on some of these bowls. How is it even economicly feasible.

you should ask the clowns - they didn't get paid for the 2005 Houston Bowl. Not sure that has ever happened before, or since. Just leave it to the clowns.....
I'm guessing a small % of the Bowl revenue is generated from ticket sales, but rather more from the TV contract which is paid for by advertising of course. Even still, I don't think anyone entity is getting rich from these low tier bowls. I suppose Beef O'Brady's name is out there all year, and advertised on ESPN all month leading up to broadcast so maybe a decent deal for them? :confused: I'm grasping at straws...
The OP brings up some good points - I've been puzzled by this myself.

From the standpoint of the municipalities, I'm guessing if they can even entice 10-15K from out of town to attend, the local chamber of commerce is probably pretty happy...but some of these matchups are surely ratings black holes for ESPN and we know for sure many teams are lucky to break even on bowl trips (which they probably aren't overly worried about b/c of the recruiting benefit & extra practices).
And part of the lure for teams is the extra practices for the young players and the experience for the team as a general. A lot of coaches say the extra bowl practices are some of the best ones they can get for the freshmen / redshirt players.
And part of the lure for teams is the extra practices for the young players and the experience for the team as a general. A lot of coaches say the extra bowl practices are some of the best ones they can get for the freshmen / redshirt players.

this is true.
Didn't Northern Il lose money on going to BCS bowl last year?

They didn't make much (for a BCS game).

Huskie Wire | NIU made $250K from Orange Bowl with MAC's help

NIU had the dominoes fall the right way and earned a trip to the Orange Bowl. The conference then helped cover NIU’s expenses, the biggest part of which was paying for the allotment of 17,500 tickets.
Playing in the Orange Bowl also required staying in South Florida for an entire week. Not to mention, the Huskies stayed at the luxurious Fontainebleau Hotel on Miami Beach.

The school’s total expenses topped $1 million. Thanks to the MAC’s distribution to the university of more than $1.3 million, NIU ended up with a net gain of more than $253,000 from its Orange Bowl trip. The $1.3 million NIU received was the university’s share from the $8 million in BCS revenue the MAC was given.

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