Humble Pie


Well-Known Member
OK sorry it took so long to post, but this will be my firs official Humble Pie thread on the new Hawkeyenation.

Stanzi and the boys have done it again. Beat the odds and came out on top. A few things that we need to improe on is Blitz pickup and recognition. MSU's blitz bugged us during the whole game. Something else we need to improve on is route running. It is week 8 and we still have wide outs running the wrong routes. A play that comes to mind right off the top of my head, is when stanzi threw the deep ball, DJK and stross ran into each other. Our wideouts also have to work on re-adjusting their routes and developing a good hot read when they do read a blitz.
The Oline took a "few" steps in the right direction this week, but they are not fully gelling as of yet, and I suspect it is going to be much harder with Dace being out and then Dace having a chance to come back either between OSU and the bowl game. There has been a lot of missed blocks in this game and the past couple of weeks. I am hoping we get that taken care of by OSU otherwise that is going to be a bad game for us.

On the flip side some things we did very well, is that we got after the QB a lot in this game. Another thing that we did well is we really tackled well. There were not many broken tackles in this games and we really seemed to really step up and go after it on D. Cousins is a hell of a passer, and if they would have had him last year they may have won double digit games. Of course the biggest positive out of all was that we won the game. On that last Drive Stanzi really looked like a #12 playing in the NFL right now leading his team to a Super Bowl. I mean we actually earned out TD not using some gimmick trick play to get down the field.

Overall we won a great game played on both sides, its a shame that one team had to lose, but I am glad it wasnt my team. A note to all the fans and internet posters who are scared and worried about a certain team jumping us. Please relax, a big reason why the pollsters really dont like us is because we still have 4 tough games left to play. Now a lot of people may not think there is 4 but only 1, but believe me non of the games the rest of the way out are going to be easy, and I would not be surprised if we won them all by less than a TD. And also please dont send millions of emails to ESPN and the big ten network worrying about not getting in ahead of texas or the SEC champ, because if we wine and moan and then we slip up somewhere or even in the bowl game, it is going to make our entire fan base look like idiots. BUT if we do run the table and we somehow dont get into the NC game, and we win our bowl game, then Mr. Deleney will have something planted up his sleeve to bring out against the BCS. So boys celebrate and lets move on to another tough game that is going to be a tough fight in INDIANA.
I mean we actually earned out TD not using some gimmick trick play to get down the field.

I assume this is in reference to the hook and lateral play that MSU ran? Hayden used to love his trick plays...or exotics as he called them. But you're right. Deception doesn't have any place in football. How dare somebody run play action and trick the defense into thinking it's a run play when it's really a pass play. How dare the receivers run a route with a double move and trick the DB into thinking they're running a slant or square in when they're really running a fly pattern. Or...I don't know, call a dive play on the goal line and then fake the hand off and roll out for a naked bootleg for the touchdown.

I agree with the rest of your post, but honestly that call was just a great play at the right time. Our defense was aggressively going after the ball carrier and they took advantage of the somewhat less experienced backup free safety. I hated the fact that it worked, but respected the play call.