Hub, Fran, and Barta Presser


Well-Known Member
All three are having a press conference at 1 p.m. today to go over his recruiting and his past. This seems a little late but should be interesting.
Not sure why it seems late to you...Fran said a while ago that at some point once Anthony along with Fran and Barta would have a press conference. Anthony has been on campus only a very short time and the conference has been scheduled. My guess is that this will be the presses first and likely last time that Fran will allow them to address Anthony's past with the three of them. Good move IMO, get it over with and get on with the year and Anthony's start being a Hawk.
Well I guess I hadn't thought about him just actually getting to Iowa. Makes more sense.
Hub said he picked Iowa "because of the fans and Mrs. McCaffrey's apple crisp." awesome.
Good lord, get OVER IT already! How many times does the guy have to answer the same stupid questions? He knows he F'd up. He knows this is likely his last chance, and he seems very sincere. I'm tired of this, so I can only imagine how tired he is of it.