Howe: Spencer Petras Growing Along with Hawkeyes

The Spencer Petras we saw from the 2nd quarter on was what a lot of us thought we would see for the whole year.

The Hawkeye team from the 2nd quarter on is what we thought we would see. 9 catches by Smith and ISM. TE’s involved down the seam and for important 3rd downs. Goodson and Sarge smashing the ball right into their grill.

If this team replaced the team on the field for games 1&2, there would be a lot of talk about Iowa vs tOSU in 2 weeks.

So, part of me is really happy about what the team looks like going into a meeting with Wisky. If we play like that, our chances are pretty damn good! Of course, the glass half empty part of me will always wonder about what could have been, if only This version of Petras was playing in the 4th quarter of those first 2 games.
The first half had to be some of the worst throws we’ve seen from a QB at Iowa since Jake Christiansen, the second half was some of the best throws we’ve seen since last year. I probably should go through the game thread and erase all my QB comments from the first half but I’m too damn lazy. I thought they should have pulled him, I was wrong and I’m glad to be wrong. We all know he’s got a strong arm, it’s the accuracy that’s been the proble.

Hopefully we see more of that 2nd half Petras going forward.
I’m of the mind that the jury’s still out. A few minutes into the 2nd quarter, I was thinking ‘if we don’t have points by halftime, they’re going to have to pull him’. By halftime, it was ‘we got a chance’. And by the end of the third I was actually feeling pretty good.

It was a remarkable example of what Kirk teaches: stay with the process and good things will happen. Instead of folding, Petras showed what he’s capable of with that big arm when he stays clean in the pocket or rolls, and when he can get the ball out fast. The pass he made rolling left was probably the best pass I’ve seen him make this year.

But just like the first quarter plus wasn’t the ‘real’ Petras, and as much as I’d like to see the last 2+ quarters be the QB we’ll see in the next 3 games, the jury is still out. Wisky and Indiana will put more pressure on him. He still struggles on the long ball with overthrows. He still dirts too many balls.

Definitely good things yesterday, though. Now he needs to sustain it, and if he can I think we’ve got a pretty good QB for the next few years.
I didn't get the start to that game at all. I know it was poor field position and for the initial two series, our first down plays resulted in negative yardage...which puts us behind the eightball so to speak. Petras looked like he was just trying to not make a mistake...and the bullet dirt balls to the flats were a part of the instinct reaction to avoiding a pick six or something bad.

First quarter aside though...he did things in this game that he hasn't done all year...AND HE DID THEM SEVERAL TIMES. He went through his progressions...and made the right decisions to secondary receivers. I was in shock...completely mystified. He came off his primary, found the secondary like 6 times in this game. He also looked off the safety on the Beyer touchdown catch...what? He had the presence of mind to hold the safety for a few beats...I was thinking...what the hell is going on here. You have to watch the game again.

For example, on the 2pt conversion...he looked at two other receivers, before he got to, maybe he planned to go to Goodson all along...well...he sold it that he was looking at other options. On a couple of third downs, he followed a progression and got to the secondary and HIT them. Crazy.

To me...that wasn't just progress yesterday...that was like a QUANTUM LEAP in the right direction. He was a QB yesterday...and he did things mentally that he just hasn't shown. Now...he needs to build on it.

Lastly...we hadn't beaten Penn State in Happy Valley since 2009. We hadn't won against Penn State since 2011. Petras erased that memory and he played well at Penn State.

Now, the bully who has continuously stolen our lunch money comes to Kinnick. Five straight losses...many of them heartbreaking...and ego deflating. If Petras plays well...and we beat's time to give the kid props and get used to the fact that he could be our QB for a long time.
I am sure we saw the QB in the second half that the coaches see in practice everyday. He was put at a severe disadvantage not having the OOC games.

I also think he looked much better when they were a little more uptempo.
I hope KF, BF, and KOK noticed that as well.
I didn't get the start to that game at all. I know it was poor field position and for the initial two series, our first down plays resulted in negative yardage...which puts us behind the eightball so to speak. Petras looked like he was just trying to not make a mistake...and the bullet dirt balls to the flats were a part of the instinct reaction to avoiding a pick six or something bad.

First quarter aside though...he did things in this game that he hasn't done all year...AND HE DID THEM SEVERAL TIMES. He went through his progressions...and made the right decisions to secondary receivers. I was in shock...completely mystified. He came off his primary, found the secondary like 6 times in this game. He also looked off the safety on the Beyer touchdown catch...what? He had the presence of mind to hold the safety for a few beats...I was thinking...what the hell is going on here. You have to watch the game again.

For example, on the 2pt conversion...he looked at two other receivers, before he got to, maybe he planned to go to Goodson all along...well...he sold it that he was looking at other options. On a couple of third downs, he followed a progression and got to the secondary and HIT them. Crazy.

To me...that wasn't just progress yesterday...that was like a QUANTUM LEAP in the right direction. He was a QB yesterday...and he did things mentally that he just hasn't shown. Now...he needs to build on it.

Lastly...we hadn't beaten Penn State in Happy Valley since 2009. We hadn't won against Penn State since 2011. Petras erased that memory and he played well at Penn State.

Now, the bully who has continuously stolen our lunch money comes to Kinnick. Five straight losses...many of them heartbreaking...and ego deflating. If Petras plays well...and we beat's time to give the kid props and get used to the fact that he could be our QB for a long time.


It is still an 8,9, 10 game audition as far as I am concerned. Wait 'til the end of the season and then you assess. If you are not getting the consistency you want then it becomes an open competition in the dip your toes in the transfer portal.
I didn't get the start to that game at all. I know it was poor field position and for the initial two series, our first down plays resulted in negative yardage...which puts us behind the eightball so to speak. Petras looked like he was just trying to not make a mistake...and the bullet dirt balls to the flats were a part of the instinct reaction to avoiding a pick six or something bad.

First quarter aside though...he did things in this game that he hasn't done all year...AND HE DID THEM SEVERAL TIMES. He went through his progressions...and made the right decisions to secondary receivers. I was in shock...completely mystified. He came off his primary, found the secondary like 6 times in this game. He also looked off the safety on the Beyer touchdown catch...what? He had the presence of mind to hold the safety for a few beats...I was thinking...what the hell is going on here. You have to watch the game again.

For example, on the 2pt conversion...he looked at two other receivers, before he got to, maybe he planned to go to Goodson all along...well...he sold it that he was looking at other options. On a couple of third downs, he followed a progression and got to the secondary and HIT them. Crazy.

To me...that wasn't just progress yesterday...that was like a QUANTUM LEAP in the right direction. He was a QB yesterday...and he did things mentally that he just hasn't shown. Now...he needs to build on it.

Lastly...we hadn't beaten Penn State in Happy Valley since 2009. We hadn't won against Penn State since 2011. Petras erased that memory and he played well at Penn State.

Now, the bully who has continuously stolen our lunch money comes to Kinnick. Five straight losses...many of them heartbreaking...and ego deflating. If Petras plays well...and we beat's time to give the kid props and get used to the fact that he could be our QB for a long time.

You hope the light bulb is coming on, but you need consistency and not flashes. How he finishes the season is huge. Imo, the jury is still out.
What we all saw on Saturday was what the kid is capable of when he calms down, stops over thinking and freaking out, and settles. As fans we were right to wonder if he should be sat for a series, a drive, a game, whatever because his play warranted that. Don't listen to fellow fans, watch the game back. in that first half you can see his teammates (ism, goodson just to name a few) on camera after he launched 3rd down throws at their feet or launched balls into the crowd instead of hitting them in the endzone, openly complaining and talking crap on the way back to the huddle or in the case of ism, to him. Then what happened? I love andrew downs instant react podcast this week because he nailed it. When it looked like Spencer hit rock bottom the switch flipped, and what happened. Well if you go back and watch the tape, after an egregious end to a drive in which spencer could not hit anything, on the way to the bench KF meets him, says something to him and pats him on the butt. From the next series on, Spencer was lights out. Even the throws he missed on the next drive were the right read to throw them away. I turned to my buddy whose an ISU fan and i said, it looks like the kid flipped a switch. He was on fire from that point on, and played fantastic. You could notice physical changes in his demeanor, his throwing motion, and his delivery. His feet hopped less and set quicker before he threw. He was a qb with confidence. I don't know what KF said to him, but it worked. Great job out of him. And as someone who has called for Spencer to sit, and for them to play padilla for at least a series to sit Petras til he figures it out; I'm happy for Spencer. Good for you kid.
This next game is the real McCoy and the first quality team we have played. We win and things are looking up.

We lose and many will be on here blasting Kirk and justifiably so. It will be a important game but at the same time the first two loses already ruined the season from being a great season.

Finishing second or third in your division year after year is nothing to write home about. At the end of the day it’s just another second or third finish in the West division.

My son called me Saturday night and asked if I watched the game. Of course I did. That’s what devout fans do. I liked what I saw. I liked seeing a QB develop right before my eyes. However if he shits the bed against Wisconsin I will not be surprised or disappointed. That’s what Kirk coached teams do most of the time.

I don’t know if all the bowl games will be played this year as a lot of the revenue from bowl games comes from traveling fan bases. Hotels, restaurants, rent a cars, airline tickets, If Iowa wins out they are looking at a possible BIG bowl game, in fact if the rose bowl isn’t the location of the championship game this year, then Iowa has a highly good chance of playing there IF THEY WIN OUT. If Ohio State wins out they will be in the playoffs. There is NO WAY Northwestern will beat them. After that loss Iowa will have a much better record and will be the best time from the rest of the conference. How could the Rose Bowl invite any one else if WE WIN OUT. Indiana?? Get real.

I told my son isn’t it amazing how a head coach manages to produce just good enough to keep his coaching job year after year, but not good enough to win anything at a high major level.

Prove me wrong Kirk. Slippery slopes ahead.
I don’t know if all the bowl games will be played this year as a lot of the revenue from bowl games comes from traveling fan bases. Hotels, restaurants, rent a cars, airline tickets, If Iowa wins out they are looking at a possible BIG bowl game, in fact if the rose bowl isn’t the location of the championship game this year, then Iowa has a highly good chance of playing there IF THEY WIN OUT. If Ohio State wins out they will be in the playoffs. There is NO WAY Northwestern will beat them. After that loss Iowa will have a much better record and will be the best time from the rest of the conference. How could the Rose Bowl invite any one else if WE WIN OUT. Indiana?? Get real.
I haven't given the Bowl scenarios much thought but, I agree, if Iowa wins out they have a legit shot at the Rose Bowl assuming Ohio State gets selected for the playoffs. Winning out will not be an easy task but it's interesting to think about.
Worth remembering that Iowa is the 5th youngest team in P5 this year when considering the eligibility remaining among their 2-deep. I am going to stray from the thread topic below, but eventually bring it back around...

They will lose a lot on the D-line for the 3rd straight year (Schulte, Gholston, Heflin, Nixon, and Van Valkenburg could all return with the free year of eligibility this season, but all but Nixon will have used up their "normal" eligibility, and Nixon will be 4 years removed from HS). They could potentially lose their top 5 in the rotation. That eventually has to matter, but everyone thought it would matter this year, and they continue to produce. I don't see another freak ala AJE or Nixon coming along, but who knows what some of the young guys will become.

LBs should be stacked. Niemann will likely have some NFL opportunities, but studs like Campbell, Benson, Jacobs, and Higgs remain. And if Colbert comes back, we are talking an embarrassment of riches (I would say Campbell switches to permanent edge-defender in that scenario, giving that unit the freak they will likely lose with Nixon's departure).

Hankins has been awesome this year; no one throws at him, and he will be another in the long-line of Phil Parker-coached all-B1G defensive backs (2014 was last year we didn't have an all-B1G DB). But Brents and Roberts are talented, and we have seen over and over the "next man in" mentality work in the defensive backfield.

OL will lose AJ, another likely all-B1G selection and early draft choice. They will likely lose Banwart (who has been really good) unless he decides to return for a 6th year to boost NFL stock, but they have talent with experience at that position (Schott, Ince, Britt, and even true freshman Richman). Kallenberger is still just a RS Jr (he came in with Wirfs), and Plumb is a RS Soph. Cronk could return for a 6th year to prove his health to NFL teams, and Nick Dejong is just a RS Fr. If Linderbaum leaves early (definite possibility), the line will take a step back. But they will be solid for the foreseeable future (three 4-star recruits in 2021 recruiting class).

RB loses Sargent, but will continue to be a strength with Goodson and hopefully IKM back (how awesome would it be to see IKM light it up next year after being so patient?). Pottebaum is just a soph, as is his backup. The Williamses (both true fresh) are interesting. Curious if Arland Bruce gets a shot at RB next year.

TEs will probably lose Beyer (unless he returns for 6th year), but Laporta and a host of young talent (Miamen, Lachey, Yelverton) return.

WR will likely lose ISM and Smith, but return production in Tracy and Ragaini, as well as potential explosiveness in Charlie Jones. Young guys like Hutson and Vines are interesting, and they are bringing in a 4-star WR in Keegan Johnson (along with Brecht and potentially Bruce if he is not at RB).

So much will fall on QB play going forward. If QB is a net-neutral, this is a really good team. If QB is a net-positive, this is a great team. If QB is a net-negative, this team will be one of the most frustrating underperformers of the KF era.

This is going to be a very impactful decision by coaches this coming offseason, but an extremely difficult one. Petras is loved by his teammates, but Hogan has endeared himself to his recruiting class, and who is to say Padilla isn't the best of the bunch. It will be an interesting offseason.

But before any of that, let's give Bucky the thrashing they deserve for bullying us for the past decade. Time to right the order in the upper-midwest.
Considering the Rose is one of the two semifinal games, this prediction is bold!
Yeah that was part of my statement, If the Rose Bowl isn’t part of the playoffs.

I don’t pay too much attention to the four game playoff from an Iowa perspective and the reasons speak for themselves.