Howe: Ohio St. Latest Team to Expose Hawkeyes

I wouldn't mind seeing some more Mr. Davis principles with Iowa's zone. Yes, Tom's teams got lit up to from the perimeter from time to time, but his zone was much more active. They had their arms up disrupting the passing lanes, they had better positioning for rebounding with a triangle (monster man Davis called it) in the middle, and they communicated (better awareness). I wish Fran would give Mr. Davis a call to help out on defense or someone that could improve our zone and man principles.

Iowa has length....they should use it. I think they would look so much better if they made themselves look bigger and that zone was more active and disruptive.
Well, I think you can see that Dailey is gonna play. He made a lot of mistakes, played questionable defense, but showed some ability, made some plays, and has big upside. Garza will play, did nothing glaringly wrong tonight, had some moments. JBo needs to play the game like he did the last two minutes. Drive when they overplay, he showed a nice floater. Cook needs to just be Cook. If I'm Mac the rest of the starters and minutes go to who will play D and follow the gameplan. F the stupid 11 man rotation. It's not working. Play the guys who do what they are supposed to do. Heck at this point I might start playing a kid from the scout team if he follows the game plan. Send a message Mac.
Thoughts on Thursday's Iowa-Ohio St. game along with links to interviews, photos and box score:


Thanks for the article. I think it's the dumbed down version of what my wife was cussing about when I got home (she played and coached in college and she talks BB waaaaay above my head). Basically exactly what she was saying about defense (or lack thereof) and offensive game plan as well.
If any of you think your alone in your discust and frustration I want you to do something. When you click on Robs story in this thread go to the picture he has attached to his article. Blow the picture up by expanding it and just look at the expressions of every single fan watching the game. It’s terrible. You are not alone.
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As much as they are getting hammered for the lack of D (and that's rightly so) their offense isn't even close to what it should be either. JBo has to work so hard to get a shot and usually it's not even a good one. Baer isn't even close to the same player. He makes some bone headed passes out there. Moss pretty much stinks most of the time. Pemsl is a hustler but not very skilled. Nunge looks slow and robotic out there. He's either thinking too much or he's just not what we thought he'd be. He hasn't looked all that great most of the time either.
From a positive standpoint Cook has stepped his game up and Garza looks like he'll only get better. But that's just not enough to beat teams. I also like Dailey. He's a ton better then I thought he'd be. Although he's no finished product by any means either.
Well, I think you can see that Dailey is gonna play. He made a lot of mistakes, played questionable defense, but showed some ability, made some plays, and has big upside. Garza will play, did nothing glaringly wrong tonight, had some moments. JBo needs to play the game like he did the last two minutes. Drive when they overplay, he showed a nice floater. Cook needs to just be Cook. If I'm Mac the rest of the starters and minutes go to who will play D and follow the gameplan. F the stupid 11 man rotation. It's not working. Play the guys who do what they are supposed to do. Heck at this point I might start playing a kid from the scout team if he follows the game plan. Send a message Mac.

I’ve said it on here several times over the years since Fran got here and it didn’t go over to well. It’s not good to play so many players as it messes up chemistry and prevents players from developing their roles on the team. In fact it prevents the team from becoming a team and gelling together. In the past I have referred to what Fran has been doing as a gimmick. Gimmicks are used in place of straight up head to head competition when you don’t have the talent to play straight up against your apponent. Most talent laced teams play their best five and then have their number one backups that come in and give breaks. The rest of the squad only sees the floor during mop up times when the game has already been decided. They have to wait their turn for the upperclassmen to move on and graduate and then it’s their turn to play if their good enough. Some times a few of them will take it on the chin when a freshmen or sophomore dynamo comes in and starts even though they are juniors or seniors. That’s life and sometimes life just isn’t fair.

Maybe next year if Wieskamp is as good as advertised Fran may finally have a good enough squad to play a traditional starting five. Cook, Garza, Bohannon, Baer and Wieskamp. It’s not going to be a speed ladened team but should be excellent in the half court. The rest will have to vie for playing time. If the rest of this season goes as bad as it looks and next year is a bust too then Fran must be replaced.
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Not to oversimplify things, but I think honestly the main reason for a lot of our issues on both ends of the court comes down to we are not athletic and fast enough to keep up with the teams we are playing. We looked like we were running in quick sand compared to Michigan the other night. As I mentioned in a post yesterday, we have a pretty large chunk of mid-major players on our team, not BIG level players, plain and simple. Coaching could improve definitely, and he is also the one who has constructed the roster. It all falls on him.
The average fan could see we needed to shorten the rotation weeks ago. Fran didn’t do it. He also waited too long to realize that Nunge wasn’t really a 3. He moved him to the 4 and our offense appeared to flow a little better. Then all of the sudden the last two games he put him back in at the 3 and it was awful.

Some of the lineups I’ve seen the last two games have made me cringe. I saw a possession last night where Pemsl tried to back down his man from the elbow area, until he noticed Garza occupying the space under the basket, he then kicked to the corner to an open Wagner for a wide open 3, the only problem is Wagner can’t shoot the 3 and dribbled into the traffic. I think the possession ended in a shot clock violation or terrible shot.
If any of you think your alone in your discust and frustration I want you to do something. When you click on Robs story in this thread go to the picture he has attached to his article. Blow the picture up by expanding it and just look at the expressions of every single fan watching the game. It’s terrible. You are not alone.

You know it's bad when the true blue die hards, that try and stay positive about every thing that they can, just can't. This is bad. Fran is in trouble here. Real, trouble. I am not saying he's fired this season, cause I don't see that as a good option, being completely fair to a guy who was able to change Iowa's fortunes and has signed a 2 pretty good classes with good ones coming in. But he won't make it without a dance next season and I don't excuse this season at all. No excuse to be this bad. Fran has been a very average coach at Iowa and instead of trending up, he's trending down.
Dailey is probably our best dribble driver. Moss was supposed to be with his "Super" athleticism. The quickness of most of this team reminds me of that sloth commercial on tv right now. Joe W and Patrick will help, but we still need to find a quick point guard in the worst way.
I can't agree more and to make matters worse one of our most athletic/versatile players hardly sees the court. If there was ever a game Wagner could be of use this was it. I don't get it. I thought Fran was loyal to his players?
I’ve said it on here several times over the years since Fran got here and it didn’t go over to well. It’s not good to play so many players as it messes up chemistry and prevents players from developing their roles on the team. In fact it prevents the team from becoming a team and gelling together. In the past I have referred to what Fran has been doing as a gimmick. Gimmicks are used in place of straight up head to head competition when you don’t have the talent to play straight up against your apponent. Most talent laced teams play their best five and then have their number one backups that come in and give breaks. The rest of the squad only sees the floor during mop up times when the game has already been decided. They have to wait their turn for the upperclassmen to move on and graduate and then it’s their turn to play if their good enough. Some times a few of them will take it on the chin when a freshmen or sophomore dynamo comes in and starts even though they are juniors or seniors. That’s life and sometimes life just isn’t fair.

Maybe next year if Wieskamp is as good as advertised Fran may finally have a good enough squad to play a traditional starting five. Cook, Garza, Bohannon, Baer and Wieskamp. It’s not going to be a speed ladened team but should be excellent in the half court. The rest will have to vie for playing time. If the rest of this season goes as bad as it looks and next year is a bust too then Fran must be replaced.

There is one huuuuuuuge problem with this post.
The last sentence.
Barta's set the bar so low when defining the word "bust" that next year won't get him fired.
Reason 1) The team will be more veteran and have more "star" recruits so they'll likely improve from this year.
Reason 2) Barta's definition of a "bust" season would be approx. 5 wins on the year. And we all know that he'll beat that number.
Iowa will remain an afterthought as long as Barta is AD. I assume that will be at least 10 more years. Ugh.
There is one huuuuuuuge problem with this post.
The last sentence.
Barta's set the bar so low when defining the word "bust" that next year won't get him fired.
Reason 1) The team will be more veteran and have more "star" recruits so they'll likely improve from this year.
Reason 2) Barta's definition of a "bust" season would be approx. 5 wins on the year. And we all know that he'll beat that number.
Iowa will remain an afterthought as long as Barta is AD. I assume that will be at least 10 more years. Ugh.

What can we expect from an AD whose previous gig was Wyoming? Damn Monsanto in the water supply! :mad:
...I've said this over, and over, and, though, I want to add that besides having a coach that can't recruit the players that are needed to be competitive in BIG play, demonstrated year after year (we need more than just "...good kids from Decorah..."), and having the bar of mediocrity set to the expectation we want to finish year after year in the "...middle of the pack...or lower..." that today is the day for a change. I say this as Iowa, as is, will be fortunate to be able win one game in the BIG to finish dead last. In that regard, with Fran let go, the program can at least say that although there wasn't one win at the end of the season, an early 'leadership" decision was made to change the culture and the focus. More than that, a good run at a seasoned coach who has experience making inroads to toughened recruits who are ready to play at the BIG level, who are hard nosed, who are ready to play defense to get to the next level can be made. Let's spend the money and get a BIG time coach who brings with him the same toughness. Yea, I'll admit I like someone like a Calipari or a Pearl, or a even a Pitino (wouldn't be adverse to tracking this guy down, NOW, and hiring him), but hey, I was spoiled by Lute and winning...consistently. Let's stop hiring good guys who recruit good kids from good neighborhoods, who come from good, small programs. Let's get this program back to its roots and back to the program it used to be. Yikes!
Ohio State was 17-15 last year and 7-11 in conference. This year they are 13-4 and 4-0. And there 3 top scorers are 2 juniors and a senior. Their 4th leading scorer is a sophomore. Another year of (body and skill) development, experience and maturity makes a ton of difference.
Ohio State was 17-15 last year and 7-11 in conference. This year they are 13-4 and 4-0. And there 3 top scorers are 2 juniors and a senior. Their 4th leading scorer is a sophomore. Another year of (body and skill) development, experience and maturity makes a ton of difference.

You do realize Ohio State brought in a new head coach this year right?

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